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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the iceman

CCM Performance Fit Apparel

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About a month ago, I bought one of the CCM "Dri-Fit" type shirts for hockey (the ones with the NHL shield on the front and the CCM logo on the sleeve http://en.ccmsports.com/catalog/index.php?...&cat3=220&s=18) and after one wash the labels melted/peeled. And today I was watching the sports news and noticed that Lecavalier's shirt had the same thing happen to it. Has this happened to anyone else? Just wondering.

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who cares if the logos peeled? the shirts still in tact right?

Maybe it's important to him or he's just curious. For a board that values personal preference so much, there are way too many smart aleck replies like "what do you care if the graphics/paint/sticker/widget wore off?" that never answer the poster's question.

Man, if it seems asinine to you, then treat it as so and don't reply.

To each his own.

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Melting and peeling are two different things. If it melted, something was too hot. If it peeled, then the adhesive holding the logo was defective.

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Iceman - I got some of that stuff from Nashville when I was at their camp. What happened to mine I wouldn't exactly call "melt" but it kinda blended in with the weave of the shirt. However I did not dry it...

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Although I don't have that specific brand, I own a lot of this type of clothing. I've learned the hard way that it's best if you don't put any of them in the dryer or use fabric softener. Just wash them in cool water and hang to dry. Eventually the smell tends to linger, but I wear this stuff when playing, not when I'm on a date.

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Although I don't have that specific brand, I own a lot of this type of clothing. I've learned the hard way that it's best if you don't put any of them in the dryer or use fabric softener. Just wash them in cool water and hang to dry. Eventually the smell tends to linger, but I wear this stuff when playing, not when I'm on a date.

Oxyclean fixes any lingering scent issues. I had a couple of old Bauer shirts that were pretty nasty and after washing it in Oxyclean, no scent at all. I use a little more than the sugested one scoop per load but it's worth it.

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