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Speeding Ticket

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Has anyone here successfully or unsuccessfully tried to contest a speeding ticket? I got my first ticket yesterday and I am would like to contest it. I was merging into a road and I stepped on the throttle to avoid getting hit by a van behind me. I was on the right lane and I braked a split second after I accelerated because there was a CTS in front of me. I was over the limit for less than a second just to avoid an accident. The officer was 30 feet away from the merge and he pulled me over. I believe he assumed that I was on the road all the way and going constantly over the limit. Moreover, the officer cited me for a speed higher than I traveled. I didn't like the way he treated me either, I have a feeling that he was racist (I emphasize my feeling). I need some moral support and maybe some advice from someone who has gone through the process before. How is the informal hearing like more specifically and what are my odds? I have a witness in the car with me that the van at a distance that was dangerous to me.

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Have you ever had a speeding ticket before?

Basically, the judge is going to take the cop's word over yours, regardless. If the cop doesn't show, then you'll win. If the cop shows up, and you've never had a ticket, plead no contest.

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  mew1838 said:
Nope JR, this is my first ticket. What is a no contest plea? Is it the same as a guilty plea?
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No, you're not under oath and "no contest" means no one is contesting you. Speeds up the process. (I think, it's been 6 years now)

If you're a teen and this is your first ticket and the cop shows up and you explain what happened the judge will probably let you plea down for no points. Pay the fine and take the class, just avoid the points!

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I've had over 15 or so moving violations, yet only ONCE did I end up with points on my license. It was the one time I didn't go to court to fight it.

Plead Not Guilty. Chances are (as has been the case *every* time I've gone), they will allow you (either the judge himself, or the officer will recommend it) to plead to an amended, and lesser charge. The infraction will become a parking ticket, or some sort of administrative issue, and you are at no risk to get any points on your license. Just a fine.

I would suggest to plead to the lesser charge, as pleading Not Guilty, and then fighting is, is not an easy task. I have only attempted it twice, and was lucky to have the charges dismissed both times. The rest? Yup - plead to a lower charge.

And just so you know, in most cases, the officer doesn't have to appear. In major departments, it is rare that they show up, ever.

Either way, you're gonna have to 'Pay the Man'..... the only questin is, do you want to fight the system and maybe lose? Or take the deal they offer and skate away with a slap on the wrist and a little fine?

I just skated on a $1350 driving with a suspended/revoked license charge, they amended it to a $90 driving with an invalid license charge. *whew*

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If you plead no contest, you're essentially throwing yourself to the mercy of the court, and if it is his first ticket, they just might let him slide.

I remember my first ticket, cop showed, I plead no contest. Judge told me he was going to waive everything as long as he never saw me in his courtroom again. I was 19. Got about 9 moving violations after, still no points.

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I've had two that were knocked down to "failure to obey a traffic signal device", a charge that comes with no points in PA. They get their money but your insurance doesn't go up.

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first off where at in mich?

most cities/twp will reduce your ticket to impeding(no points) but you pay court costs, if your record is clean. as far as his attitude toward you, you could file a copmplaint against him at the police/ sharrif station. but wait until after your court date.

there was a case severa years back of a local police dept around the lansing area that had all of their tickets thrown out b/c failed to prove that the radar gun was calibrated. if the cop can't prove he calibrated the radar gun b4 his shift your ticket is invaid.

the last ticket i got for running a red light(white lake twp) the cop reduced it when the judge asked the officer about my record. he went along and it was reduced to inpeding. the costs were about $50-$75. don't expect to get away with out paying fines/court costs. with the economy the way it is every city/twp wants there traffic fine/ticket money.

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Romulus city, near DTW.

I think I am fine paying a reduced fine (less that $100) but I really do not want points on my record. I pride myself in being a good driver and not a hotblooded teen who thinks he is the next Lewis Hamilton.

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Yeah, I noticed that about MI. Even the cops will write you for 5 over to take the chance that you pay it off. I got nailed in Taylor a couple of yrs back going 20 over and he reduced it to 5 on the spot. I heard they built the Sportsplex on traffic violation money.

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  mew1838 said:
Romulus city, near DTW.

I think I am fine paying a reduced fine (less that $100) but I really do not want points on my record. I pride myself in being a good driver and not a hotblooded teen who thinks he is the next Lewis Hamilton.

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pulled by? wayne county, msp, or romulus? that could have alot to do with how it works out in court.

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By Romulus PD and I have to appear at the Romulus court.

I'm torn between no contest and not guilty. Is merging and avoiding an accident a decent enough explanation?

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  mew1838 said:
By Romulus PD and I have to appear at the Romulus court.

I'm torn between no contest and not guilty. Is merging and avoiding an accident a decent enough explanation?

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As soon as you say you were speeding, for whatever reason, forget about getting it reduced. You're better off claiming that he got the wrong guy.

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Not that I've been pulled over, but I tend to notice a lot more county cops doing traffic stops in the last year or so, they must be fishing for cash more than before.

I've heard nasty things about the Novi police, family that lives there probably has several grand in all of their moving violations over the last few years. Utica, Shelby, Sterling Heights, Rochester, Auburn Hills, Troy (that I can recall) where my friends have gotten tickets all quickly reduced the penalty in order to get quick cash and not have a court battle that will tie up judge time and possibly see you win.

It was so odd moving out to Philly area after living in the Detroit area almost my whole life. If I'm not going 15 over the cops and truckers zip by in the left lane, and I do 20 over in front of the speed trap twice daily. Everyone here runs red lights like crazy and jack rabbit from poorly timed light to poorly timed light, too.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
Yeah, I noticed that about MI. Even the cops will write you for 5 over to take the chance that you pay it off. I got nailed in Taylor a couple of yrs back going 20 over and he reduced it to 5 on the spot. I heard they built the Sportsplex on traffic violation money.
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wouldn't suprise me seeing as you go 1 over they'll pull you over there.

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That's the thing, when you plead no contest, you are throwing yourself to the mercy of the court. You don't say a word.

I knew I ran the stop sign, I did one of those coasting stops. But I knew that with the cop being there there was NO WAY I was going to win.

Novi is bad, Taylor is NOTORIOUS. They have speed traps all over, even on I-75.

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novi rochester and troy. all terrible. novi has nothing better to do other then pull people over for window tint and 2mph over. rochester same thing as novi, window tint and anything over the speed limit. troy is the worst ive seen. every time i get pulled over by troy i get a ticket. every time. if its your first ticket, go to court. have your explanation and admit that you were wrong. be very polite and calm. the first ticket i got i was originally written up for 25 over, went to court and was respectable, and polite. no break at all, appealed the judging, and the cop was fed up and asked me what i wanted on my next court date, i told him 5 over and no points, he said ok and i went home. its all luck of the draw tho to be honest. keep your record clean! thats why i never get breaks because i have points, ive had suspensions, and time in jail. all of that and i get ZERO breaks on tickets.

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  cougarscaptain87 said:
novi rochester and troy. all terrible. novi has nothing better to do other then pull people over for window tint and 2mph over. rochester same thing as novi, window tint and anything over the speed limit. troy is the worst ive seen. every time i get pulled over by troy i get a ticket. every time. if its your first ticket, go to court. have your explanation and admit that you were wrong. be very polite and calm. the first ticket i got i was originally written up for 25 over, went to court and was respectable, and polite. no break at all, appealed the judging, and the cop was fed up and asked me what i wanted on my next court date, i told him 5 over and no points, he said ok and i went home. its all luck of the draw tho to be honest. keep your record clean! thats why i never get breaks because i have points, ive had suspensions, and time in jail. all of that and i get ZERO breaks on tickets.
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Yeah, my uncle in Novi has had two "running yellow" tickets. Apparently it's just as illegal to run a yellow as it is a red. I think he's had his lisence suspended once so now he just takes the hit and doesn't even try, no point at all.

The one time I went to traffic court was with a now ex-girlfriend. Thankfully I'm clean.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
Yeah, I noticed that about MI. Even the cops will write you for 5 over to take the chance that you pay it off. I got nailed in Taylor a couple of yrs back going 20 over and he reduced it to 5 on the spot. I heard they built the Sportsplex on traffic violation money.
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I got a ticket last week in Taylor (going 57 on Telegraph) they knocked it down to impeding traffic. Ended up with a ticket for $150 and no points.

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fourtunitly i live in northern oakland county and the county mounties aren't too bad up here got puuled over last nite on m-24. i was going 72 in a 50. i see him and pull over b/4 he even hits the lights. he comes up to me right after he stops and asks me if i know he pulled me over, i say for speeding. yes sir. he then says slow down and have a nice nite. i then look at my clock and its 5 to 11pm. shift change i guess he didn't want to stay over.

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