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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Black Friday

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Circuit city has the xbox 360 arcade bundle with extra wireless controller and 20 gb hard drive for 199.99 with in store pickup only. Just got one for my xmas present.


Dang I wish I would've seen that, I would've bought one. I highly doubt there's any left at the stores now. :(

Best Buy had a stack of about 20 Xbox in both the regular and elite when I was there at 5pm. For it being a crazy day I didn't see too much mayhem and empty shelves, just traffic and crowded aisles.

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It was busy, but not crazy here. Granted I stayed away from the likes of Wal-Mart or Target, but Best Buy had a nice steady mob in the aisles the couple of times I popped in there. Managed to snag a nice TV for the Batcave so that's one self present down the tubes.

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I just found this out yesterday when I was hitting up some online Black Friday deals, but my friend told me about Microsoft Live Search Cashback. I personally didn't know it's been going on for a while.... You get cash from using their search engine to buy stuff- actually kinda cool. Just bought some a car accessory on eBay and wound up getting 40% back. Used a 10% eBay coupon and then Mircosoft gave me 30% for the eBay purchase....so it's not too late to save some $$$ on stuff you missed on yesterday.

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Is it instant savings from MS? I heard about it a month or so ago but that it took 60 days for it to be paid back in your PayPal, which you have to use.

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Yes...if you eBay you need Paypal. Sometimes it's instant on the Paypal deals. However with any other retailer they can pay in check. Either way, I'm not hurting for the cash now as long as I get it back. Friend says it didn't take him anywhere near the 60 days.

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