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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dupliskate System

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My skate sharpener is moving on to another job in the company and I am starting to panic! There is an LHS neardby that uses the RS6 Dupliskate machine. If you have ever had your skates sharpened using this machine please tell me: Is it good? Should I trust it to do my skates?

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What exactly is the problems with the dupliskate system? Inconsistent?

at best. the one i "had" to use had cassettes with the "propper" radius on in them. there was no way to adjust the radius.

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Actually, if the machine is adjusted properly and the skate inspected afterward by a properly trained human , the finish job on the Dupliskate is not too bad. I did a pair at one of the trade shows and it seemed to do an excellent job. The whole contraption though seemed like a PIA to operate.

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My LHS has a automated sharpener, I thought it was a dupliskate but I didn't see the same model on the website. I've been going there after asking around and most people recomended this place (as thats were the NHLers go in summer), but lately I've found my edges to be really incosistent so I am going give one of the other places ago again. Could the incosistent sharpenings be from the machine or somehow the way they are being lined up or something else?

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I had mine done at a play it again when I had a coupon for a free sharpening. I'm sure the machines where a lot different back then, but it was the worst sharpening I've ever had.

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Anyone remember having to use the old manually operated Dupliskate sharpeners?

Yes, I had one, DSS-E1, circa 1985. Both manual and hydraulic/electric. It did a good job in both modes. Took up so much room in the shop though with those big rubber balls as shocks and long arm.

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