Law Goalie 147 Report post Posted January 13, 2009 Underage wedding.This is where the traditional groomsman gift of FLASKS come into play.;)I'm going to a dry wedding at the end of Feb - I am in the wedding. I'm going to be wielding dual flasks. It's great, it's like I'm wearing a flak jacket.Get a few wineskins packed to your abdomen and you're loaded for bear.Bonus points if you get a third flask in an ankle-holster. I'm still waiting to break that one out - can't pull it off when I'm wearing the kilt. :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LkptTiger 1 Report post Posted January 14, 2009 As for your girlfriend and you playing house and sharing checking accounts. Sounds like you are afraid to commit, even though you are doing it already. Marriage down the road, house, shared accounts.....whats is stopping you?And mark my words bro: If she is saying she is mature and emotionally ready for marriage, and only has one year left with school, you have only one year, two max after she is out of school to get over your fear and start seriously talking marriage. If you keep the whole marriage thing as a "possibility", she will be gone.When I said we have enough money for a down-payment on a house, I didn't mean that we had already put one in...I mean we have the money for when the times comes....We're not living together; she's in a house with three of her friends that she went to high school with (all of whom now attend the same University) while I'm still at home for the time being (and driving across the border and back nearly every day <_< ). I should be moving-in with one of my fellow-Yankee teammates within the next few weeks.As for her leaving...well...she's not going anywhere. I'm in the rare position of actually having HER wrapped around MY finger. I don't know how I did it, but I'm undeniably in charge. She's so over-the-moon, if I say wait, she'll wait. That being said, I would like to start having kids a bit before I hit, whether I like it or not, marriage is probably going to have to come sooner than later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted January 14, 2009 I'm glad I never saw bullshit like this before I chose to get married. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LkptTiger 1 Report post Posted January 14, 2009 Just how skewed is my perception, mack? lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted January 14, 2009 Better hope she don't MSH-creep you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LkptTiger 1 Report post Posted January 14, 2009 She rarely checks/checked (I deleted my account) Facebook...I'm hoping that she wouldn't even think to monitor me via a hockey equipment forum. That would just be weird.*knocks wood* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted January 14, 2009 Nothing personal about your opinion as it's a valid one, but I just meant I never gave into all the negative what-ifs that, though very real, could happen to a young couple. If any of my friends had doubts, they had their game faces on because it was never brought to my attention. It wasn't in preservation of my feelings or anything like that as they knew I'd have gone on about it anyway. Now I was also the one who got proposed to and our marriage happened in Vegas, but I digress.I'd only question a friend if it was known that a woman was poison, otherwise I'd just mind my Ps and Qs. The truth is that the problems that they may or may not face aren't going to be assuaged by the good intentions and well wishes from friends. There are things they will have to face on their own and all a friend can do is be there for them if they ever need them. With friends it's often that they get a "aww we lost another one" kind of feeling, but that's life. If their your friends, you'll still see them whenever. I used to hang out with friends and play GI Joes and crap with them, but then I grew up and found girls. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rustpot 1 Report post Posted January 14, 2009 Just found out (overheard a debate while heading to the pisser) one of my college buddies is talking about marriage with his current girlfriend. We all hate the bitch, he's miserable, she's using him and we think he's settling low so he doesn't end up alone.You think an intervention is a good idea? I already told him we all hate her, but I was smashed and I don't think he took me seriously. We've been contemplating this, but it usually leads to homicide and none of us are ready to spend a long time in jail for his happiness.Anybody got good advice on how to spike their relationship? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronnychencharik 0 Report post Posted January 14, 2009 Proper way: Tell him sober, multiple times a day (edit) and maybe add a real interventionJuvenile way: A gentleman's club with cell phone pictures leaked on the internet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LkptTiger 1 Report post Posted January 17, 2009 Okay, boys: bachelor party ideas beyond the requisite stop at a strip club (which we will be doing)....GO!Any and all help is appreciated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sabby47 2 Report post Posted January 17, 2009 Is your friend a hockey player? What about a scrimmage game with your pals before the strip club/bar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RadioGaGa 162 Report post Posted January 17, 2009 What time of year will the BP be? When my buddy got married, the wedding party played a round of golf in the after. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bdj 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2009 Woman is a danger cat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Law Goalie 147 Report post Posted January 17, 2009 I'm going to also recommend some kind of light, alcoholic exercise in the afternoon: golf, shinny, a panty-collection competition - whatever suits. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted January 18, 2009 I'm siding with more of the generic "guy" stuff and have it stretch out over a couple days if possible. At a friend's wedding this summer, we had a little sampler of bachelor party, then went out and did things we wouldn't have time to do with everyone living out of state and whatnot. Some basketball, fishing, football, golf, etc. Then the night before the wedding we had the actual bachelor party just so we had all the elements in there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lefty57 0 Report post Posted January 18, 2009 I dont see that you have any real valid concerns.Does anyone really, really, really know what they want or who they are at 20-years-old, though? Certain enough to bet the future on it? Certain enough to throw yourself at it without any sort or support or provisions? All I really know for certain is that I fucking love playing hockey. He might have himself more figured-out than myself or the rest of us...but how sure could he possibly be right now?Very few, that's why the divorce rate is so high in this country. I was engaged at 21, but had no clue what I was doing and broke it off. All I could think about was baseball and aspirations to be a pro. Torn rotator cuff put an end to that. Since I was not mature enough in my 20s and even early 30s to commit to a marriage, I decided to pull a George Brett and wait until I was tired of all of the late night activities and sports every night. Ended up married at 40 with no regrets whatsoever. Still play hockey and golf, but am more content sitting at home with the clan. Each person should find themselves before finding a partner. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spreedizzle 1 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 One of my buddies bachelor parties we started off with paintball. That was a great idea, non-typical, and he was totally surprised and loved every second of it........until we all opened fire on him mexican firing squad style. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LkptTiger 1 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 Hmmm. It might be fun to get a baseball game going in the afternoon, even if it's a bit risky: my buddy usually likes to throw at me at least a couple times over the course of the season during any sort of split-squad scrimmages that we have (and he's also gone out of his way to plunk me with the first pitch of summer ball BP every year since we were, like, 12). It's tradition at this point - I don't even bother trying to get out of the way. My concern is that once he gets a few "sodas" in him, those 75mph tosses that catch me in the small of my back and are subsequently laughed-off might start coming-in a bit higher and a lot harder, lol.Golf is probably safer...even though I'll feel a little bad taking everyone's money at the end of the day (assuming we bet some cash, which I'm sure we will). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fatwabbit 93 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 Is your friend a hockey player? What about a scrimmage game with your pals before the strip club/bar.What time of year will the BP be? When my buddy got married, the wedding party played a round of golf in the after.Go idea to have the game or round of golf before the strip club... otherwise you'll never get to the game ;)Just find out what the guy wants as well... Just found out (overheard a debate while heading to the pisser) one of my college buddies is talking about marriage with his current girlfriend. We all hate the bitch, he's miserable, she's using him and we think he's settling low so he doesn't end up alone.Just be honest with him. Tell him while you're sober, and say that you mean it as a good friend who doesnt want him to end up with shite later on. At least after hearing what you have to say, just tell him that you're always going to be a friend to him whatever he decides.....except that you cant stand the bitch! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jarick 5 Report post Posted January 20, 2009 Nothing personal about your opinion as it's a valid one, but I just meant I never gave into all the negative what-ifs that, though very real, could happen to a young couple. If any of my friends had doubts, they had their game faces on because it was never brought to my attention. It wasn't in preservation of my feelings or anything like that as they knew I'd have gone on about it anyway. Now I was also the one who got proposed to and our marriage happened in Vegas, but I digress.I'd only question a friend if it was known that a woman was poison, otherwise I'd just mind my Ps and Qs. The truth is that the problems that they may or may not face aren't going to be assuaged by the good intentions and well wishes from friends. There are things they will have to face on their own and all a friend can do is be there for them if they ever need them. With friends it's often that they get a "aww we lost another one" kind of feeling, but that's life. If their your friends, you'll still see them whenever. I used to hang out with friends and play GI Joes and crap with them, but then I grew up and found girls.A big +1. That sums it up perfect. Unless you know the woman is going to be awful for him, just be a good friend, celebrate his triumphs with him, help him through his mistakes when he asks, etc.For bachelor parties, I have one big piece of advice, and that's not to do the bachelor party drinking thing the night before. If they get married on say a Sunday, do it Friday night. Best bet is to do the weekend before. Nothing worse than a splitting headache and want to vomit feeling through a church service, reception dinner, and several hours of reception party.For one friend, we did golf. Very cool, got to meet some of his family and friends who were in the wedding party, and it's just plain fun to drink and drive (a golf cart). For another friend, we did paintball, which was also fun. The getting hammered with a bunch of strippers thing wasn't as cool, especially when my buddy freaked out and they had me pretend to be the groom. That got kind of weird. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites