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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speed Demon

Coolest Jerseys out there

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I just don't see how a killer jersey/uniform like that somehow takes away from the sport. Do you think that inline hockey would be more popular if the players wore traditional ice hockey uniforms?

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Justin' got the boys decked out in Mission! (I don't know if that's true just lookin' at the guys stick and glove.)

usually a factory team would be wearing their sponsors equipment :rolleyes:

those tux jerseys ore so sweet, is there anywhere i could buy one?

Not without a minimum team order...

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Holy crap, those White and Silver Heliums are absolutely amazing looking. I need to get them when I find them. Are they gonna be $99 like the current M-1's or higher?

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You guys at Mission really should sell those "Tux" jerseys they would go out the door like hot cakes! Or at least make them free with every Helium purchase, Mission would clean up for sure in new season sales.

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The best part about those tux jerseys (other than them being pretty slick) is their uniqueness......so if Mission made them available to everyone or gave them away, they wouldn't be as cool.

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The best part about those tux jerseys (other than them being pretty slick) is their uniqueness......so if Mission made them available to everyone or gave them away, they wouldn't be as cool.

Who cares! Mission could make a crap load of donala off them and I just want one! :D

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I think the general rule is that they do not sell official Team Mission jerseys until the jersey is designed. A couple of years ago I picked up a bunch of them from the previous year.

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This is quite an old thread, but I had to post this uniform I just found somewhere, it's a team called SC Langnau Tigers from Switzerland. Quite a different uniform I must say.


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dude, I saw highlights from the first season game, i almost crapped my pants. not only the tiger logo on the front of the jersey is fuzzy.

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I wonder how those things are for heat managment- I can't see them being all that comfortable. They do look sweet though. Why no tail on the pants?

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