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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Searching for a (mythical?) stick

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I don't know if this exists, but I am on the hunt for a stick that has a low lie with a long blade in the Forsberg (now Zetterberg) style. I'm a relatively short guy (5'8") and would like to play with as long of a stick as possible, but am really sensitive to "steep" lies (can't stand 'em). My rationale is that if I have a really low lie, I can keep the stick longer. I really like the Forsberg pattern and it has a shallow enough lie that I get even wear on my blade and don't lose pucks under the toe. I would like to get an even shallower lie. I am a little annoyed at Warrior since I bought one of the 5 lie sticks, which is actually on the order of 5.5 or greater (had to cut it down to get my blade to sit on the ice). So, I'm a little hesitant to go with any of Warrior's low lie blades, because they may just be a 5 lie in Easton. Does anyone else have experience with a really low lie blade? Suggestions?


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I was just playing with a bunch of sticks the other night at my LHS and one had a nice size blade w/ a nice curve (I too am a Forsberg blade fan), it also had a lie of 4 which I found pretty odd since the majority of sticks I see in the store have a lie between 5 and 6. I don't remember the exact stick it was but I want to say either the Mission Titanium stick or a Graf OPS since those were the ones I was actually handling. Wish I could be more help but that's all I got for now, next time I go back I'll try to remember to get the make and model.

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Warrior makes lie 4 sticks.

Just picked up a Warrior replacement blade in the Weight pattern. It says 4 lie on it but it lies similar to my old blade which I think was 5.5.

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My experience:

Warrior 4 = Easton 5

Warrior 5 = Easton 5.5

Warrior 6 = Easton 6

My Weight was listed as 4 lie and it was about 5.25 on the Easton scale. The Robitaille I have is listed as 5 lie and matches up perfectly with a Sakic I've got.

Anyways, best I can say is to use the Forsberg or equivalents and cut the stick to where you're comfortable. It's a million times easier than digging around for pro stocks and trying to get custom blades made.

Also, if you need the extra length, check out the Oggie Ergo grip. I found it really helped you get more control and strength of the stick for poke checks and what not, although it messed up my shot and I ended up selling the stick.

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My experience:

Warrior 4 = Easton 5

Warrior 5 = Easton 5.5

Warrior 6 = Easton 6

My Weight was listed as 4 lie and it was about 5.25 on the Easton scale. The Robitaille I have is listed as 5 lie and matches up perfectly with a Sakic I've got.

Anyways, best I can say is to use the Forsberg or equivalents and cut the stick to where you're comfortable. It's a million times easier than digging around for pro stocks and trying to get custom blades made.

Also, if you need the extra length, check out the Oggie Ergo grip. I found it really helped you get more control and strength of the stick for poke checks and what not, although it messed up my shot and I ended up selling the stick.

It's not a direct conversion. Blades with more rocker will be farther off than blades with a flatter bottom.

Yes, Warrior has the worst lie labeling system in retail. Why they wouldn't use standard lie numbers is a mystery to me.

My best guess is that they "measure" the heel to middle of the blade to determine the lie. I believe the proper way is to measure the lie with the middle of the blade flat on the ice with the heel and toe equally elevated.

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the new crosby is listed as a lie 4. another option, might not be preferred length though.


Hey guys, thanks for the suggestions. I hadn't seen the new Crosby stick - that looks about right. Does anyone have any experience with Reebok sticks? Are there lie numbers fairly standard (or at least better than Warrior's)? For me, blade length is less important that lie, since I want a longer stick.

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the new crosby is listed as a lie 4. another option, might not be preferred length though.


Hey guys, thanks for the suggestions. I hadn't seen the new Crosby stick - that looks about right. Does anyone have any experience with Reebok sticks? Are there lie numbers fairly standard (or at least better than Warrior's)? For me, blade length is less important that lie, since I want a longer stick.

The crosby was originally a modano copy, then changed to a sakic copy without notice. Now it's supposed to be something completely different and have a different lie. I'll believe it when I see it, and we should be seeing it in a couple weeks when we get to vegas.

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Have you tried a Warrior Smyth? I know people have said here that their lie numbering system is off, but a lie 4 is what I ought to have (I play with a lie 5 and just deal with it), and the one time I held a Smyth pattern stick it felt absolutely perfect.

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Have you tried a Warrior Smyth? I know people have said here that their lie numbering system is off, but a lie 4 is what I ought to have (I play with a lie 5 and just deal with it), and the one time I held a Smyth pattern stick it felt absolutely perfect.

The curve is nothing close to what he is looking for.

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Have you tried a Warrior Smyth? I know people have said here that their lie numbering system is off, but a lie 4 is what I ought to have (I play with a lie 5 and just deal with it), and the one time I held a Smyth pattern stick it felt absolutely perfect.

The curve is nothing close to what he is looking for.

Oh, nevermind. I didn't realize he was looking for a specific curve, just something with a low lie. I thought the Smyth curve looked a little funky myself, but coming from a Spezza curve, I was ready for anything.

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I didn't realize that the new Crosby stick wasn't out yet. I guess I'll wait to see what it looks like, hopefully my LHS will carry it or can order it.

I thought about going the Black Beauty route, but what a pain to spend almost 20 bucks on a lie detector (with S&H), and I would need a spare shaft around to measure it, and then spend money on a new blade. I guess I shouldn't bitch since I'm looking for something special, but I'm finding it tough to make that outlay of cash.

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I didn't realize that the new Crosby stick wasn't out yet. I guess I'll wait to see what it looks like, hopefully my LHS will carry it or can order it.

I thought about going the Black Beauty route, but what a pain to spend almost 20 bucks on a lie detector (with S&H), and I would need a spare shaft around to measure it, and then spend money on a new blade. I guess I shouldn't bitch since I'm looking for something special, but I'm finding it tough to make that outlay of cash.

I was thinking of just getting a BB blade and forget about the lie detector but I' m on hockey purchase lock down.

At 5'6'' playing defense I figure I can't get something with a lie that is too low and I'm tired or 5 lies and rockered bottoms.

Let us know if you find something. I've went though the leclair ( too heavy, too stiff ) and the warrior 4l lie ( too rockered, really a 5 lie ) both are ok but not perfect.

Too bad Harrow doesn't make custom blades anymore.

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I didn't realize that the new Crosby stick wasn't out yet. I guess I'll wait to see what it looks like, hopefully my LHS will carry it or can order it.

I thought about going the Black Beauty route, but what a pain to spend almost 20 bucks on a lie detector (with S&H), and I would need a spare shaft around to measure it, and then spend money on a new blade. I guess I shouldn't bitch since I'm looking for something special, but I'm finding it tough to make that outlay of cash.

I was thinking of just getting a BB blade and forget about the lie detector but I' m on hockey purchase lock down.

At 5'6'' playing defense I figure I can't get something with a lie that is too low and I'm tired or 5 lies and rockered bottoms.

Let us know if you find something. I've went though the leclair ( too heavy, too stiff ) and the warrior 4l lie ( too rockered, really a 5 lie ) both are ok but not perfect.

Too bad Harrow doesn't make custom blades anymore.

The lie detector was not accurate for me, your mileage may vary. I would go for the 4 lie and you can always adjust up or down on your next blade. For what it's worth, I'm not a big fan of the feel of their blades, but having the right lie may be worth a bit of a sacrifice.

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I didn't realize that the new Crosby stick wasn't out yet. I guess I'll wait to see what it looks like, hopefully my LHS will carry it or can order it.

I thought about going the Black Beauty route, but what a pain to spend almost 20 bucks on a lie detector (with S&H), and I would need a spare shaft around to measure it, and then spend money on a new blade. I guess I shouldn't bitch since I'm looking for something special, but I'm finding it tough to make that outlay of cash.

I was thinking of just getting a BB blade and forget about the lie detector but I' m on hockey purchase lock down.

At 5'6'' playing defense I figure I can't get something with a lie that is too low and I'm tired or 5 lies and rockered bottoms.

Let us know if you find something. I've went though the leclair ( too heavy, too stiff ) and the warrior 4l lie ( too rockered, really a 5 lie ) both are ok but not perfect.

Too bad Harrow doesn't make custom blades anymore.

The lie detector was not accurate for me, your mileage may vary. I would go for the 4 lie and you can always adjust up or down on your next blade. For what it's worth, I'm not a big fan of the feel of their blades, but having the right lie may be worth a bit of a sacrifice.

What about the blades didn't you like? Were they soft or hard, or was it the non-rockered heel? The only 2 piece I've owned is my current one, which is a Warrior Johnson (80 flex) with a Easton Hybrid blade (Forsberg), so I don't have much experience with composite blades.

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