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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shawn o

Bauer 8090s fit the same at Vapor 30s?

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Looking for a pair of 8090s and a nice set popped up on ebay in 7D. I wear 7D in the Vapor 30s still and was wondering if the fit was the same for the boots?


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Maybe someone might be kind enough to let him know the difference in fit.......the hardass routine only goes so far.

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Unless your 30's felt tight on the sides and or top of your feet, I'd stay away. The fit is significantly different between the two.

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Maybe someone might be kind enough to let him know the difference in fit.......the hardass routine only goes so far.

You'll have to excuse what may seem to be an attitude. A simple search would produce the answer to this exact question in about 50 other posts, thus the reason for sarcastic frustration.

Go to search, and type in:

+8090 +vapor +skates

you will see plenty or reviews, questions, etc.

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