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Visors (Tinted vs Clear)

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I've been using a clear visor the past season after getting rid of my cage, its been tough getting use to. I've seen more and more tinted visors and I'm wondering is there really a difference between the two, Should I buy one?

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As long as you have thick skin or deaf ears. Going to hear a lot of chit chat. Better have some dangle moves to back up the tinted visor. IMO, unless your playing in some bright arenas, it's just cosmetic.

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i just switched from a clear itech straight to a tinted grey oakley straight. and to me i didnt notice any difference whatsoever. so i would say its more cosmetic than anything

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i also just switched from a the clear itech dx100 to a itech tinted prowave. i havent noticed much difference at all other than the prowave being slightly lighter weight...

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I would think the tinted ones would be slightly more difficult to see out of than the clear ones for the sake that you're looking through a tinted visor which allows slightly less light to pass through (same concept with snowboard goggles, sunglasses, etc). I've never played with a tinted one so this is all just my theory, it could be way off for all I know so take it with a grain of salt. I think the bottom of the tinted visor would bother me b/c there would be that line of tinted sight vs. underneath the visor with no tint/clear view. But what do I know? I'm just an older washed up hockey player playing mens league ^_^

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The guys in my mens league who wear tinted visors (all 4 of them...heh) get chirpped all the time about them.

A guy on my team wears one - when he frist got it I asked him what the difference was....he really had nothing to say. In the end he just likes having new stuff and thought it looked cool. He is usually exempt from all the trash talk as hes leading the league in scoring....

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I went to tinted and it is much better than the others.

Blue was the other one I liked...but you hear WAY too much crap for it, regardless if you have skills or not. I also found that it didn't give me the glare reduction that the tinted does. Yellow was weird. Didn't like it. Mirrored was WAY too dark.

To be honest I haven't heard a lot of yapping about the tinted visors at all. People can still see your eyes and it doesn't look obnoxious. Mirrored on the other hand does. I took mine off about a year ago, and have since seen two guys wear it when I play. It made me realize how much of an ass I looked like with it on :P

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i recently tried the oakley blue...its a kinda weird feeling..stuff far away seems a lot sharper and stuff close to you doesn't really change...it gave me a small headache lol

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i found that the tinted did work for me, but then again i play in bright arenas. I would just stick with the clear, unless you have eye problems

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I have the mirrored visor from Itech like the one Ov use to wear. Not one person has said anything. Very comfortable for the eyes. A little anti social. Also people play you different if they can't see your eyes.

I say get them.

If someone chirps at you they can't see your eyes/reaction, they don't know what to think. They get a little worried. Like your going to run them or something. When the fact is you didn't even hear them.

It's anti social but nice on the eyes.

As for darkness it's about 10 percent darker. Your not going to notice the darkness even in the darkest of rooms. You could drive at night time with these things on.

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i have gone from clear to yellow to now the tinted.. and i find the tinted to deal well with the light...i play in a bright arena and i find the tint helps

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Sorry if I offend anyone.

It cracks me up that guys will chirp at a person about their gear.

I also find it funny that there are regional and even rink specific rules depending on ice or roller as to whats cool or acceptable and what will get u bagged on.

Whatever happened to STFU and play the game. Worrying about what someone else is wearing and talking ish about it just seems odd. Reminds me of grade school cause thats the last time I saw it in my life. I thought after you hit the age of maturity you learned to not worry about irrelevant shit?

No offense to the poster but why does someone need to be able to dangle to wear a mirrored visior? I missed that rule in the book. What if dude just likes the look. Basically the comment implies if you are good you can wear what you want. If not you better wear what we say is okay or we are going to make you not want to play here anymore and be elitest.

Funny where I play cages are mandatory. That said if you were a plexi cage you may catch shit for it. Then it also depends on which plexi cage you wear as some are less unacceptable than others. Cages Need to be black cage only or its wrong. I have woren a black cage since I started, but it still makes me laugh when I hear people talking trash cause "that looser has a plexi cage". Better yet, where I play roller if dude wears shoulders playing, people will actually run them if they can and they make comments like "good thing you got those shoulder pads on, you could have been hurt". Yes I saw that first hand. I just find the whole culture funny. We want to grow the sport I think, but people bagging on the new guy who just bought gear nd didnt know he was buying something they think is unacceptable or just likes sucks.

I think I want to go buy an plexi mirrored cage now and wear it. I am not a dangler so I am sure I will get ripped on buy some dude who is no where near as good as he thinks but wants to feel better about himself.

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Honestly, I have found that if you work out in the weight room people just leave you alone.

If your big enough you could wear a dress without hearing one chirp.

I'm not dress big but I can wear a mirrored visor if I want...

Feel free to quote that last line if you want.

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