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glue for padding inside helmets

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I have an RBK 8k helmet and have been using it for a year. Some of the inside softer foam like padding is starting to come undone leaving a sloppy glue that now allows the padding to slide around.

What have you guys used with success to fix this?

In the past I had a NBH HH5000 with the same problem, but it didn't appear until 3 years with the helmet.


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There are a number of adhesives that you could use, but I am not aware of any that will not void the certification on your helmet.

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Bauer wouldn't tell me which glue to use on my sons helmet....nor tell me a shop that they trust with their special foam glue in the GTA. And send you a little....NO WAY! I had to send the helmet in, no other choice. Since season had begun that meant buy another helmet.

Hope you have better luck with RBK-what's the big secret about which glue won't harm the helmet/

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what's the big secret about which glue won't harm the helmet/

Its probably more of a liability issue. The 2 times Ive had problems with helmets under warranty I've sent them in and after a few weeks they have sent me completely new helmets and interiors. My guess is the problem with them telling you how to glue the foam, is incase the unthinkable happens and your son's noggin gets scrambled it probably protects them from you saying that Bauer told you how to fix their helmet, regardless of you doing it right or wrong, and a whole can of legal woes is brought on everyone.

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what's the big secret about which glue won't harm the helmet/

Its probably more of a liability issue. The 2 times Ive had problems with helmets under warranty I've sent them in and after a few weeks they have sent me completely new helmets and interiors. My guess is the problem with them telling you how to glue the foam, is incase the unthinkable happens and your son's noggin gets scrambled it probably protects them from you saying that Bauer told you how to fix their helmet, regardless of you doing it right or wrong, and a whole can of legal woes is brought on everyone.

excatly. that's why there is a warrenty on them. usually 1 year after date of purschase.

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you don't need to buy a new helmet use adhesive I use it on my bauer 5500.

Please note that a fall while using an un-certified helmet may result in injury, some injuries may result in poor use of the English language.

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I don't know if my original post was unclear, but I'm talking about the "comfort" foam vs. the actual styrofoam padding, if that makes a difference or not. I can see if the main foam was to become undone it would be cause for getting a new one. However what I'm talking about is the soft gray foam that's about a few millimeters thick.

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I do NOT recommend doing it... but if I was to go about fixing that issue, I'd use hot glue. I'd definitely avoid superglue or epoxy.

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i used hot glue before but it was always coming off. I used wood glue and it is still holding strong. looks brown but dries clear. works great

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You need to get a new one. Aside from the obvious "glue will probably ruin it," there's also a good chance that there is other wear and tear to the helmet aside from this (wear to the foams, or the shell that you can't see). Nobody likes to spend money, but you're in a lot better shape buying a new helmet when you maybe didn't need to than if you elect not to buy one, and it turns out you did need to (and you find this out in the emergency room after it fails to do its job). You're risking a head injury enough by playing hockey in a safe helmet, nevermind wearing one that you've glued together in your garage.

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I had the same problem with my mission intake where the gel pads lost adhesiveness and started to slide around (some went missing). My solution: after having the helmet for 2 years I bit the bullet and got me a new lid. It's the most important piece of gear you have so IMO I would just get a replacement helmet.

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I had a problem with my Mission Intake padding sliding loose and then the glue going all sticky and guey underneath as well. Pulled out the padding taking note how it was positioned beforehand. Got a bit of nail polish remover and cleaned off the glue off the helmet shell. ( you only need a little bit of nail polish remover or you can also use a little bit of varsol) Cleaned the glue off the padding piece with a rough dry cloth. ( varsol or nail polish remover will eat the padding for lunch) Wiped the nail polish remover off the helmet shell with a cloth and water and let it dry. I used a bit of contact cement on the helmet shell and padding and placed the padding back onto the helmet shell making sure it was properly positioned. Left it for about 24 to 36 hours and presto good as new and the padding hasn't moved since. Simple contact cement you can buy in any hardware or department store will do the trick.

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I'll second duch with the contact cement and Hartford's Own is spot on with the "its a liability issue" comment. As far as fixing it yourself or buying a new lid, here's my $.02. First, see if the helmet is under warranty. If yes, then send it back. If no, and you're just playing beer league/non contact hockey, I think you'll be fine fixing it yourself. If you are still playing high school, juniors, college, or the like, I'd splurge on a new helmet.

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just buy a new helmet. fuck. it's your brain.

Obviously that isn't going to matter to some people

Got a bit of nail polish remover and cleaned off the glue off the helmet shell.

That will degrade the shell and the padding. Not only is it now no longer certified, it is absolutely less protective and more dangerous.

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just buy a new helmet. fuck. it's your brain.

Obviously that isn't going to matter to some people

they must not have anything to lose.
Got a bit of nail polish remover and cleaned off the glue off the helmet shell.

That will degrade the shell and the padding. Not only is it now no longer certified, it is absolutely less protective and more dangerous.

righto, acetone does not play well with a majority of polymers. Theres a reason why you cant use nitrile gloves with acetone.... BUT WHAT DO I KNOW

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Hot glue gun and some glue sticks = $15 max. By no means am I trying to say your child isn't worth a new helmet, but seriously, that's all they do to them anyway when they leave the factory.

Even if you have the best helmet out there there is maybe a 0.0001% chance that a head injury would be "slightly better" than if you took the same helmet and glued the padding to it yourself. That is, unless you're an idiot and didn't put enough glue in it. You should be able to see where it was glued b4. I have done this many time with my CCM helmets.

In the end, what is more important? Getting a settlement in a lawsuit from a certified helmet being used or not? Either way the injury would be identical.

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In the end, what is more important? Getting a settlement in a lawsuit from a certified helmet being used or not? Either way the injury would be identical.

And that's the reason why you should never take anonymous advice from the internet.

I think the original poster has all the information; good, bad and otherwise at this point and can make his own decision.

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