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Stick blades breaking

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Im having a problem with my blades breaking on my OPS over and over again and never in the shaft. So i was wondering if this is occuring because of the way i shoot or if its just my luck. Thanks

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what kind of ops do you use? and what kind of pattern

i had this same problem with my easton ops in a drury curve... they would break from the heel

i figured it was the way i shoot...but then i cut my stick a little because i noticed i would wear the tape off my heel..so my stick was flatter on the ice and i haven't broken a stick in that place since

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Ditto. And I steer clear of Easton and RBK blades religiously.

Same for me. My RBK and Easton blades lasted maybe a month. My Warrior blade has been going strong since last summer. It's got a nick here or there, but it hasn't started to disintegrate like the others.

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I also switched to 2 piece after U+ blade on my sons stick only lasted a tad over a month. Split down the whole bottom from toe to heel. Went back to Vector V10 and now all is well. Hopefully CCM has improved this for the 09 models.

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what kind of ops do you use? and what kind of pattern

i had this same problem with my easton ops in a drury curve... they would break from the heel

i figured it was the way i shoot...but then i cut my stick a little because i noticed i would wear the tape off my heel..so my stick was flatter on the ice and i haven't broken a stick in that place since

It's happened recently to a couple One90's, Vapor XXXX's, One95's and a Vapor XXX Lite. All of them were Naslund(P92) curves besides the Vapor XXX Lite which was a P91.

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also went back to a 2-piece. the ops are getting out of hand in regaurd to the price.

won't use easton blades again, always splitting the heel. currently use inno blades that have lasted for over 2 years.

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Im having a problem with my blades breaking on my OPS over and over again and never in the shaft. So i was wondering if this is occuring because of the way i shoot or if its just my luck. Thanks.

How are they breaking? Is it along the face or along the bottom? If you can give more detail, perhaps we can help you figure out why this is happening as opposed to just saying "me too"

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yea i just recently switched to a two piece warrior dolomite with a dolomite blade and the blade is very durable so far and it is a lot stiffer than my synergy2 blade.

but yea where are your blades breaking from?

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Im having a problem with my blades breaking on my OPS over and over again and never in the shaft. So i was wondering if this is occuring because of the way i shoot or if its just my luck. Thanks.

How are they breaking? Is it along the face or along the bottom? If you can give more detail, perhaps we can help you figure out why this is happening as opposed to just saying "me too"

it breaks more often in the face although the bottom does sometimes split

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Im having a problem with my blades breaking on my OPS over and over again and never in the shaft. So i was wondering if this is occuring because of the way i shoot or if its just my luck. Thanks.

How are they breaking? Is it along the face or along the bottom? If you can give more detail, perhaps we can help you figure out why this is happening as opposed to just saying "me too"

it breaks more often in the face although the bottom does sometimes split

How much use are you getting out of them before they split in the locations?

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Im having a problem with my blades breaking on my OPS over and over again and never in the shaft. So i was wondering if this is occuring because of the way i shoot or if its just my luck. Thanks.

How are they breaking? Is it along the face or along the bottom? If you can give more detail, perhaps we can help you figure out why this is happening as opposed to just saying "me too"

it breaks more often in the face although the bottom does sometimes split

How much use are you getting out of them before they split in the locations?

Anywhere from a month to a month and half

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If you're playing several times a week, that isn't all that bad. When I was playing a few times a week, getting a month to a month and a half was pretty good. Then again, I take a lot of slapshots.If you're splitting the bottom it can be an issue with the amount of force you're putting into the ice. If you break a blade, you want the face to be where it breaks.

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If you're playing several times a week, that isn't all that bad. When I was playing a few times a week, getting a month to a month and a half was pretty good. Then again, I take a lot of slapshots.If you're splitting the bottom it can be an issue with the amount of force you're putting into the ice. If you break a blade, you want the face to be where it breaks.

Yeah im on the ice 4-5 times a week so i know its not that bad at all. I just wanted to know if there might be something wrong with my shooting motion which was causing my sticks to only break in the blade. Thanks a lot.

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If you're playing several times a week, that isn't all that bad. When I was playing a few times a week, getting a month to a month and a half was pretty good. Then again, I take a lot of slapshots.If you're splitting the bottom it can be an issue with the amount of force you're putting into the ice. If you break a blade, you want the face to be where it breaks.

Yeah im on the ice 4-5 times a week so i know its not that bad at all. I just wanted to know if there might be something wrong with my shooting motion which was causing my sticks to only break in the blade. Thanks a lot.

No way to tell without seeing you shoot. It's possible that you're planting the bottom of the blade into the ice too hard, but that's a lot of ice time. If you're playing at a high level or even in an aggressive situation, it can wear down a stick pretty quickly.

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I also recommend the Dolomite blade. I used one for six months, it wore a bit at the heel, but it's still holding up well (don't have an extra shaft to use it). I got a new Dolomite one piece last summer and the blade is still stiff as new. It has a little crack at the top from a slash, but even that hasn't come apart after several weeks.

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I'm also a big fan of the Dolo blades. Just fantastic durability, and they also are available in certain curve/lie combinations that you might not be able to find in other brands. For example, the Federov curve (a Modano/Forsberg clone in case you live in a cave and didn't already know that) is available in 3 different lies. In every other brand, the Modano/Forsberg is almost always a 5 lie only. The Weight curve is different from most of the other retail curves out there too if you want to try something new.

I also suggest you take a look at a Mission pro stock blade if you get the chance. I've been using them for about a year and a half, and they are just marvelous. They sure don't look too flashy (usually just plain black with no graphics or gimmicks), but they are the most durable and outstanding blade I've ever used. IMO, they are a better blade than even the Dolos. They are thinner than the Dolo blades are, but somehow they are just as stiff (or even stiffer), and seem to have great feel for the puck at the same time. Plus they usually are available for about $25 each from Hockey Monkey. Search around here on MSH for information about which curve would work for you (I've personally used the Ryder and Mellanby), or check the Sell forum as there are some available there every once in a while.

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