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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ballistik Hockey

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My team just got a endorsement deal with Ballistik and we get a discount on their stuff. I was just wondering if anyone had any input on there gear before I take a shot in the dark and buy something.

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My team just got a endorsement deal with Ballistik and we get a discount on their stuff. I was just wondering if anyone had any input on there gear before I take a shot in the dark and buy something.

blades have an ok feel, but no durability. The gloves are comfy, but offer zero protection. Pans are pretty good. Shafts are so-so. The 52 OPS are pretty good. I'd say on the level of Synergy ST.

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the one piece actually holds up pretty well, but the blades are pretty much butter. A lot of them break right where the hosel meets the blade. They're pretty much all foam so they tend to go dead quick as well.

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I ordered and received the 52 Calibre tapered shaft a week or two ago. This is my second go round with a 52 Calibre. Love the shaft shape (semi-rounded corners) and one of the lightest shafts I've ever used. I like the fact that it comes in an 80 flex, which after cutting, plays at about an 85 flex for me. I tried and turned around and sold in the past month or two multiple Vapor XXXX's, pro stock Dolos, and a TPS R2XN10 shaft. For me, the 52 Calibre wins.

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I had a 52 Calibre tapered shaft for a year before it broke.

Lightest and best shooting tapered shaft I've ever had.

For comparison I've used a pro-stock dolo, Easton synthesis and Bauer XV in the tapered department.

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Has Ballistik been bought out? I just recently started reusing my 45 caliber OPS and still love it, but when I went to the website, it takes me to combat sports, and has baseball/softball and hockey.

But the hockey section is "coming soon"

Anyone know anything about it, wouldn't mind laying my hands on another stick

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They've been owned by Combat. Probably redoing the site.

I had put the stick down for a while, and was using a CCM Vibe. Just went back to the ballistik, 45 caliber. For a mid level stick, the difference in weight is absolutely huge.

I like to think I've got a better feel for what I like now, so think I might have to update the review, if there is still any point in doing that

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They've been owned by Combat. Probably redoing the site.

I had put the stick down for a while, and was using a CCM Vibe. Just went back to the ballistik, 45 caliber. For a mid level stick, the difference in weight is absolutely huge.

I like to think I've got a better feel for what I like now, so think I might have to update the review, if there is still any point in doing that

You can never have too much information

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Sorry to hijack this thread, but I really dont want to start a new one. I just tried on a pair of Ballistik 45cal gloves at my local PIAS and I was wondering if any of you have had any experience with them?

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I know a few people with them and they like them, but they also haven't ever had any really nice gloves... In my opinion, they feel like crap.

They're worth the $30 my local PIAS just put them on sale for.

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