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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Talk about dedication to hockey

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How are they idiots? It doesnt look like the extra time they took to inform the authorities was going to make any difference....the guy was a popsicle for a while. Plus they werent supposed to be there in the first place. Kudos to them for their love of the game! LOL ;)

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That's so fucking depressing.

I am not from Detroit, but I am from Michigan, it's sad (to me) to see things like this knowing that city is just continuing it's downward spiral.

That was a person, good or bad, he died a death I wouldn't wish on anyone.

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It's not just Detroit. The utter lack of concern about other people is an epidemic in our society.

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It takes 24 hours from when the reporter first called 911 for someone to finally show up? Wow.

This seems straight out of the world of The Watchmen. Just brutal.

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That has reminded me to be very grateful and appreciative of what I have in life

A Job

A Home

A Loving Family.

Indifference is bliss for some, but geez...that is grim.

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it happens in most citys around this time of year. last year in boston a guy froze to death on a park bench and was not discovered for 3-4 weeks after he died. it is unfortunate for the homeless people that every day is a struggle to stay warm and survive. when you combine a crippeling economy with the cold of winter you this is what you get. every day more and more people are becomeing homless. some of them have no where to go. and unfortunatly, shelters are often overcrowded and underfunded and can not handle the large mass of people. it is very sad and very depressing.

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  mrusse01 said:
It takes 24 hours from when the reporter first called 911 for someone to finally show up? Wow.

This seems straight out of the world of The Watchmen. Just brutal.

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The key in Detroit is having the right police phone number, I bartend at a small neighborhood bar on the edge of the city a couple times a month and the cops gave us a number to call if there are any problems (it wasn't 911). Only had to call it once but the cops were there in less than 5 minutes.

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  Hordie Gowe said:
Until the mindless twits that run Detroit (and much of Michigan for that matter) are removed, Detroit will continue to be a total mess.
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Unfortunately, this is true of most government here in the states....

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People really don't care anymore. A guy collapsed on the T (our mass-transit system) during rush our this week and the train continued for 22 minutes until it stopped to meet EMS. The train went through multiple stops and even left a stop when it decided to not wait for the EMS dispatched to meet them there.

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