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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Going to the Bahamas tomorrow

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My family has been lucky enough to get a wish approved by the Make A Wish foundation, sending us to the Atlantis resort in the Bahamas for five days. My sister, unfortunately was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma back in June of 08, and news hasn't gotten much better lately. Her original tumor, which had subsided, has turned up again and they might have to resort to surgery to remove it now.

But, on a lighter note, we're all excited for the Bahamas, it's one of the only bright spots we've had in the past eight months. Has anyone been to the Atlantis resort in the past and done anything that's above and beyond that I shouldn't miss out on? Specifically tuff on-site. We have a dolphin encounter scheduled for Saturday, but other than that we need some ideas. Thanks a lot in advance


MAN I can't wait to leave Jersey weather for this

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I haven't hit that end of the island chain, we hit Freeport last year. I'll dig around and see what I can find.

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My parents stayed at that resort right when it opened. My mom did the accounting for one of the engineers who designed some of the attractions there. You wont have to worry about stuff to do. Gambling, the ocean, the very nice pool, waterslides, live entertainment etc are all available right in the resort. My parents were there for a long weekend (4 days) and said that there was still stuff they wanted to do.

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I think there is a dolphin encounter type of thing on Nassau. If there is, it is a pretty cool thing and considered quite therapeutic. Sorry, didn't finish reading paragraph 2 before I started typing this and dammit, I'm too lazy to get rid of it.

Here's wishes that your sister has a miraculous recovery.

Edit: I did a bell diving tour that was kind of fun.

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The girl that I know is on the road until late tonight, sorry I can't help pass along her list of "must do" stuff.

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  Chadd said:
The girl that I know is on the road until late tonight, sorry I can't help pass along her list of "must do" stuff.
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No problem, Chadd. I know how much of a fan you are of the islands, so I'll take it as it's a great place to visit.

Thanks for the well-wishes chippa. It means a lot to us

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have a great fuckin time. my advice, ive never been there but have fun with the family, and be a good bro and make sure you sister has a great time. i hope for you and your family that everything works out with her, i dont know anything about the disease but what i do know is stuff like that just isnt fair. again have a great time!

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Be careful on that Dolphin thing..My mom did that in mexico..the dolphin was supposed to swim up underneath her and push her out of the water using its nose on her feet.. Thing ended up rolling my moms ankle and doing ligiment damage. 2 days into a week vacation shes on crutches.. Had them and one of those boot things for a solid month on her leg.

I know that there will be plenty to do.. In mexico my favorite thing to do on the resort was go to one of the outdoor beach bar spots and listen to the live music..just get a nice little island drink and relax. Enjoy the time with your family..

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