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S17 vs One95 stick

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I was wondering how the S17 compares to the One95 stick performance wise? I am not sure which one i should get, I don't have any experience with easton sticks and i used to have a One90 but have heard that both the S17 and One95 are pretty solid. I know its personal opinion but if anyone has any feedback...

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I believe (at least its my understanding) that these sticks aren't comparable, as they're to two different breeds. I personally love the s17, excellent shooting stick, light, decent feel, very lively blade. I am however going to pick up a one95 (mostly because I'm a bauer whore) and give it a whirl, but from what I've gathered the one95 provides better puck feel and is a power stick over a sniper stick.

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Check the reviews available from the home page. The S17 is notorious for being a wet noodle with a piece of bread for a blade.

haha wet noodle and piece of bread? well i think there was a thread not to long ago....... called i think like stick impressions or something. And yes, the S17 is not the way to go if you care about durability (IMO)

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Check the reviews available from the home page. The S17 is notorious for being a wet noodle with a piece of bread for a blade.

haha wet noodle and piece of bread? well i think there was a thread not to long ago....... called i think like stick impressions or something. And yes, the S17 is not the way to go if you care about durability (IMO)

The One95 isn't that durable either.

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Check the reviews available from the home page. The S17 is notorious for being a wet noodle with a piece of bread for a blade.

haha wet noodle and piece of bread? well i think there was a thread not to long ago....... called i think like stick impressions or something. And yes, the S17 is not the way to go if you care about durability (IMO)

The One95 isn't that durable either.

Yea S17 retail seems to be a bit faulty in general for serious players. I wouldn't recommend S17 for the reason that it costs nearly $300 and its durability is short lived. If you really want an S17, look into getting a pro return.

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Check the reviews available from the home page. The S17 is notorious for being a wet noodle with a piece of bread for a blade.

haha wet noodle and piece of bread? well i think there was a thread not to long ago....... called i think like stick impressions or something. And yes, the S17 is not the way to go if you care about durability (IMO)

The One95 isn't that durable either.

Yea S17 retail seems to be a bit faulty in general for serious players. I wouldn't recommend S17 for the reason that it costs nearly $300 and its durability is short lived. If you really want an S17, look into getting a pro return.

Nearly 300? I got mine for 210 and thats the price ive seen everywhere here in Michigan. Personally I love my s17 and the way that I can feel the puck on the stick. Also love the shot I have with it, it is very whippy though but im not saying that as a bad thing at all in my case.

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Check the reviews available from the home page. The S17 is notorious for being a wet noodle with a piece of bread for a blade.

haha wet noodle and piece of bread? well i think there was a thread not to long ago....... called i think like stick impressions or something. And yes, the S17 is not the way to go if you care about durability (IMO)

The One95 isn't that durable either.

Yea S17 retail seems to be a bit faulty in general for serious players. I wouldn't recommend S17 for the reason that it costs nearly $300 and its durability is short lived. If you really want an S17, look into getting a pro return.

Nearly 300? I got mine for 210 and thats the price ive seen everywhere here in Michigan. Personally I love my s17 and the way that I can feel the puck on the stick. Also love the shot I have with it, it is very whippy though but im not saying that as a bad thing at all in my case.

Sticks cost more in Canada

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have been using a Warranty return S17 i purchased off a friend (stick never saw the ice before me) for about 8 weeks, twice a week.

The blade has begun to go soft on me, and I was wondering if this is a common problem or if im the only one. (I can hear crackling in the blade when i put force on it with my hand, and the toe opens up slightly also)

By far the best stick i have used, Just not in the budget to spend 200 every two months on a stick.

Any durability reviews on the One95? I tried one out and liked it almost as much as the S17.

thank you guys,


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yea lol most places here in ontario is like $289.99 plus 13% tax. you know the rest

edit: you gave me an idea actually, i can just cross over to the US saying i have a hockey tourny and bring my bag and sticks, buy some sticks for cheap, tape em up and make it look like it's been used, and cross back over

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I've used both, and I would probably choose the one95. I got really good, but more importantly, lasting use from the one95. The blade feels much better to me, and it has yet to go soft after around 3 months of heavy use (lots of shooting) at least five times a week. S17 initial quality was good, but was kind of like a wood stick in regards to the stick as a whole softening up after some use. I also like the extra weight the one95 has, which gave me better heads up puck feel.

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yea lol most places here in ontario is like $289.99 plus 13% tax. you know the rest

edit: you gave me an idea actually, i can just cross over to the US saying i have a hockey tourny and bring my bag and sticks, buy some sticks for cheap, tape em up and make it look like it's been used, and cross back over

O woops sorry about that I thought you were in the US, yeah they are only 209 here at my LHS.

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I'm still using the S17 I got from the Toy Drive back in late 2007. I would guess it's seen about 60-70 games in that time. Yes the blade has softened but I still get a nice whip on quick shots and I take a fair amount of slappers as well. I'm generally not hard on sticks though - the only one I've cracked in the last 3 years is a XXX lite.

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Having just switched this season from the S17 to the One95, the major difference between the two is the blade. The S17 blade goes soft in about two weeks while the One95 blade has held up with out a problem. Both shafts get pretty whippy, which in my opinion is a good thing but the One95 has lasted way longer. I don't normally break sticks but went through 5 S17's this season, all breaking on the shaft.

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I've used an S17..Fairly nice and light stick, but not my cup of tea when it comes to price. I recently bought a One95 shaft (77) flex and a One95 blade (P92) for games when I'm at the wing. The shaft is a bit whippy, but I like it, but I like the blade even more so.

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Having just switched this season from the S17 to the One95, the major difference between the two is the blade. The S17 blade goes soft in about two weeks while the One95 blade has held up with out a problem. Both shafts get pretty whippy, which in my opinion is a good thing but the One95 has lasted way longer. I don't normally break sticks but went through 5 S17's this season, all breaking on the shaft.

I called it quits on the s17 after two.

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I love Easton performance, but I still don't think they've figured out how to make a blade. I've used several OPSs and blades and they have all fairly quickly (10 or so games) broken down by: delaminating, splitting, lost torsional rigidity, or split horizontally along the face of the blade. I don't like the feel of Bauers as well, but the blades seem much more durable. I've had the toes of the Bauers chip up, but it hasn't seemed to affect the overall life of the blade.

One caveat: I have not used an Easton ST. I understand they perform more like a Bauer. I'd be interested on others' experiences with STs.

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I love Easton performance, but I still don't think they've figured out how to make a blade. I've used several OPSs and blades and they have all fairly quickly (10 or so games) broken down by: delaminating, splitting, lost torsional rigidity, or split horizontally along the face of the blade. I don't like the feel of Bauers as well, but the blades seem much more durable. I've had the toes of the Bauers chip up, but it hasn't seemed to affect the overall life of the blade.

One caveat: I have not used an Easton ST. I understand they perform more like a Bauer. I'd be interested on others' experiences with STs.

I've had an ST that I've used since they first came out. The only reason I stopped using it is because I bought one of the blue ones! Both are still kicking strong!!

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Do you guys think the One95 receives passes any better than the S17. I had pucks bouncing off the balde left and right with my S17. Oh.. and no "stone hands" jokes please! I know in the end it's about me playing like shit!

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I found the One95 to have a much softer feeling blade. Pucks were not bouncing off as quickly as they did with the S17. I found the S17 really made me think about absorbing the puck when taking a pass.

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I love the s17s. The blade forgiveness in receiving passes as well as puck feel and wristers IMO is second to none. If you want them to last longer, don't take slappers with them and you should be fine for a good 30-40 games...

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