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Best way to go about getting a coach fired...

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I'm sure many people will see this and think, the coach is the boss and you should be doing what he says, but my team has a serious problem with our coach. I play club hockey for my school, and last season we were fortunate enough to have a former D1 player as our coach, our practices we're uptempo, energetic, we had good systems, solid powerplay, we only had 11 guys plus 2 goalies, and we were able to hang in even with the best teams in our league. However his real job required him to move and his replacement has been less than stellar, we now spend the majority of our practice doing 3 on 0's or 5 on 0's, we have no systems, lines are changed between practices and games, our powerplay is essentially give it to one kid and have him rush it, we have not been skated once this season, we have beaten teams that should have smoked us because we are talented but in the 2nd day of 2 games and 2 nights always lost to lesser teams because of having no endurance. He gets no respect from us, and gives us no respect in return. Tonight was the last straw for most of the new kids, where he said next year he would be cutting players from this years team, so he could have a team that he wanted. I am a political science and pre-law major, I am trying to find the best way to go about having this coach removed. I know that running to the president of clubs and complaining isn't the right approach and the proper way is to petition with signatures of all the members of the team is more beneficial, we all pay money to play on this team, in addition our schools student government fund also foots most of the bill for our team which should ultimately give us the leverage in deciding the coach because it is ultimately our money which pays his salary, I was just wondering if anyone on here had gone through something like this and could give me guidance in taking the proper steps to ensuring our team is a better and more enjoyable one for the future, thank you.

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Forgive me for saying this, but you are acting like a child. I guarantee you that you will learn something from this coach, weather it be how to deal with a personality that isn't like yours, or something skill based.

Suck it up. You are entitled to nothing, nobody is forcing you to play.

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Well you should hold a team meeting to see what they think, and from what you said it seems like the clear answer is no one wants this dude. I think the only way to really get rid of him is to discuss it with the club president. Not complain but discuss it. A petition would help just to show how much a new coach is wanted

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I have a family member that played club lacrosse in college, from my understanding the team and club president have complete power in naming and firing coaches and staff. Under other circumstances I might agree it's a childish attitude, but with club sports I see it like this: you're paying to play so there's really no reason not to demand things be to the team's liking.

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If you can get every player's signature on a petition, go to the president and make your case. The downside is guys have to be willing to walk away if they do not replace the coach. Without that type of commitment to the cause, the movement will fail.

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I have a family member that played club lacrosse in college, from my understanding the team and club president have complete power in naming and firing coaches and staff. Under other circumstances I might agree it's a childish attitude, but with club sports I see it like this: you're paying to play so there's really no reason not to demand things be to the team's liking.

That's how it was when I played in college. Our team was technically a "club sport" so we paid partially and the rest was paid by the school through tuition. As a club we had to have a governing body and that governing body made all decisions such as hiring/firing coaches, where to buy ice time, uniforms, etc etc. I was treasurer my last 2 years and experienced this first hand. If your team is a club team you should have something similar, talk to your teammates and find out who's the president of the hockey club, then go from there.

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It sounds like there is displeasure on both sides of the table. Why not have three or four guys from the team approach the coach and have a meeting to discuss the issues and see if you can't gain some common understanding? Explain the problems you are having and see if something can be worked out before you try to get him fired.

If all else fails, you can always hire a hitman to get rid of him. :D

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Rylake, I knew that it would come across as childish, but its far from that...I've played juniors before, I know good hockey, Our coach doesn't condition us, we have 0 systems, lines changing between a practice and a weekend of games. He has no authority, he once tried to tell someone they weren't dressing, they told him that they we're going to dress, and not only did they dress but they played in that game. It's February, we have our league playoffs this weekend, and we spent our Tuesday night practice doing circles, and doing the triple barrel only thing was 1st guy shot from center ice, 2nd and 3rd guys from the blue line...now that gets you nothing, especially when we don't have a set penalty kill forecheck, or a set powerplay breakout.

As far as the decision, it is a whole team decision that we want this guy gone, we were a good team, able to roll 4 solid lines in the beginning of the year with our old coach, his job relocated him so this guy was hired in a pinch, and since then kids have stopped showing up to the point now where we have barley 3 lines of guys.

As far as the club president, he graduated last semester, and as far as I know I don't think anyone has been appointed, I am going to contact him about possibly myself being appointed so that I can have a little more say in the matter, I wouldn't be working so hard for this if I didn't believe that him being there would endanger there being a team next season, but the consensus in the locker room is that it's either he's gone or we're gone.

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As far as the club president, he graduated last semester, and as far as I know I don't think anyone has been appointed, I am going to contact him about possibly myself being appointed so that I can have a little more say in the matter, I wouldn't be working so hard for this if I didn't believe that him being there would endanger there being a team next season, but the consensus in the locker room is that it's either he's gone or we're gone.

Also contact the school clubs & organizations leaders (or whatever it's called at your school), they're the ones who set the guidelines for the clubs to follow and so on and so forth. They should be able to help you out determining who runs the club and who pays the bills (the coaches bills). Usually each club has their own budget and does this stuff on their own, most schools have far too many specialized clubs and organizations to be centrally run so each club runs themselves and must meet and follow the guidelines of each school.

Basically, your club pays the coach's fee and has the final say in keeping him or losing him, just remember you'll have to find a replacement if you do end up letting him go. My team had a similar situation in my last 2 years, we sucked, we were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked and our coach wasn't helping the situation. He was a great guy and had been vbery successful coaching the team in the past but everyone involved just sort of hit a wall and we all needed a change. It took us over a year to find a worthwhile replacement (think we went through 2 we thought were "the one" only to have to go back to the pool and try again) and from what I've heard the entire organization has taken quite a turn for the better in the 5-6 years since I left. I only wish I was around for a couple more years to enjoy what I helped create for the later generation.

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I'm sure many people will see this and think, the coach is the boss and you should be doing what he says, but my team has a serious problem with our coach. I play club hockey for my school, and last season we were fortunate enough to have a former D1 player as our coach, our practices we're uptempo, energetic, we had good systems, solid powerplay, we only had 11 guys plus 2 goalies, and we were able to hang in even with the best teams in our league. However his real job required him to move and his replacement has been less than stellar, we now spend the majority of our practice doing 3 on 0's or 5 on 0's, we have no systems, lines are changed between practices and games, our powerplay is essentially give it to one kid and have him rush it, we have not been skated once this season, we have beaten teams that should have smoked us because we are talented but in the 2nd day of 2 games and 2 nights always lost to lesser teams because of having no endurance. He gets no respect from us, and gives us no respect in return. Tonight was the last straw for most of the new kids, where he said next year he would be cutting players from this years team, so he could have a team that he wanted. I am a political science and pre-law major, I am trying to find the best way to go about having this coach removed. I know that running to the president of clubs and complaining isn't the right approach and the proper way is to petition with signatures of all the members of the team is more beneficial, we all pay money to play on this team, in addition our schools student government fund also foots most of the bill for our team which should ultimately give us the leverage in deciding the coach because it is ultimately our money which pays his salary, I was just wondering if anyone on here had gone through something like this and could give me guidance in taking the proper steps to ensuring our team is a better and more enjoyable one for the future, thank you.

Here's a thought. Instead of just trying to get the coach fired in order to get your way, how about a couple of guys from the team have a sit-down with the coach and discuss the issues that the team has with him.

Rylake, I knew that it would come across as childish, but its far from that...I've played juniors before, I know good hockey, Our coach doesn't condition us, we have 0 systems, lines changing between a practice and a weekend of games. He has no authority, he once tried to tell someone they weren't dressing, they told him that they we're going to dress, and not only did they dress but they played in that game. It's February, we have our league playoffs this weekend, and we spent our Tuesday night practice doing circles, and doing the triple barrel only thing was 1st guy shot from center ice, 2nd and 3rd guys from the blue line...now that gets you nothing, especially when we don't have a set penalty kill forecheck, or a set powerplay breakout.

As far as the decision, it is a whole team decision that we want this guy gone, we were a good team, able to roll 4 solid lines in the beginning of the year with our old coach, his job relocated him so this guy was hired in a pinch, and since then kids have stopped showing up to the point now where we have barley 3 lines of guys.

As far as the club president, he graduated last semester, and as far as I know I don't think anyone has been appointed, I am going to contact him about possibly myself being appointed so that I can have a little more say in the matter, I wouldn't be working so hard for this if I didn't believe that him being there would endanger there being a team next season, but the consensus in the locker room is that it's either he's gone or we're gone.

Right, that doesn't sound childish.

"You're not dressing tonight."

"Yes I am and you can't stop me."

Not childish at all.

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Play like the Rangers

LOL...I was going to say play poorly!

Seriously though, if it is that big of a problem for the team, a formal sit down (team captains and the coach) is the best way to resolve your differences.

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I wasn't the one that said you can't stop me, but its alright fellas, the childishness came to a head Sunday night, after a goalie was told he would start and did not play he told off the coach, which was followed by me giving him a piece of my mind, followed by another one of my teammates giving him a peace of his mind, and finally followed us as a team telling him that he would be replaced for the next season, followed by him quitting, so all is well in the gongshow that is club hockey.

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Good luck getting another coach to want that job.

"So, why is this position open?"

"The team wasn't happy with the coach so they forced him out."

"Where do I sign?"

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Right, that doesn't sound childish.

"You're not dressing tonight."

"Yes I am and you can't stop me."

Not childish at all.

To an extent I see your point, but the bottom line is club hockey in college is basically a rec league sport. All the players on the club have paid dues to play. So it's just not reasonable for the coach to tell a player they can't dress for a game they've paid to play in.

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Right, that doesn't sound childish.

"You're not dressing tonight."

"Yes I am and you can't stop me."

Not childish at all.

To an extent I see your point, but the bottom line is club hockey in college is basically a rec league sport. All the players on the club have paid dues to play. So it's just not reasonable for the coach to tell a player they can't dress for a game they've paid to play in.

Thats...kinda like saying "The school suspended me but since I paid to go there I should show up anyways."

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Thats...kinda like saying "The school suspended me but since I paid to go there I should show up anyways."

Sure, if they're suspending you for something you didn't agree was a suspendable offense. But to be more realistic, it's like the captain of a beer league team telling one of the players they're being scratched for the night. Just doesn't work like that.

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To an extent I see your point, but the bottom line is club hockey in college is basically a rec league sport. All the players on the club have paid dues to play. So it's just not reasonable for the coach to tell a player they can't dress for a game they've paid to play in.

Club hockey is no where near comparable to a rec league sport... tell that to the teams in the ACHA. Sure it's not D3,2,1 but it's still pretty good hockey depending on the school.

As far as the coach telling players who can and can't dress, a team is only allowed to dress a certain amount of players for games and normally teams have more than that number of players on the roster so hence, some players don't dress for every game. Since it's a club sport they can't cut anyone from the team (in most cases I've seen atleast), but that doesn't mean they have to let guys play games just b/c they paid money. Just b/c it's club hockey doesn't mean it's not competetive hockey, you don't play guys just for the sake of being fair, you play the guys who will win games.

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