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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Advice Please

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So Jr it looks like she over pronates, I have a pretty substantial over pronation when I run which requires specific running shoes.

Is it likely I might have the same issue?

Any pictures of the sides of the skates to see how you shimmed them?

Wish we had good shops here. Didnt even know this was an option.

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So Jr it looks like she over pronates, I have a pretty substantial over pronation when I run which requires specific running shoes.

Is it likely I might have the same issue?

Any pictures of the sides of the skates to see how you shimmed them?

Wish we had good shops here. Didnt even know this was an option.

Should've taken a pic of the shim. Perhaps she will.

She actually has an arch, however, when in a weighted position, it is collapsed.

Yes, I used two plies of 1/16" plastic, same as I use for a heel lift.

ahbroody - probably - do you have difficulty turning to one side? If that edge isn't under your foot, obviously a pronation issue.

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JR? What does shimmying do exactly?

Adding lifts to only the inside/outside halves of the holder to keep the boot over top of the holder instead of bending inwards or outwards.

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ahbroody - probably - do you have difficulty turning to one side? If that edge isn't under your foot, obviously a pronation issue.

Yup. shit I never even thought about this. Now I got to con a buddy to take a pick of me from behind so I can verify this. Wow that sounds Wrong!

Epstud this is likely beneficial for a few conditions. It appears the OP has a over pronation problem as do I. Basically as you run or put weight on your feet the arch either collapses or in my case there is no arch and your feet kind of roll inward. When running you will feel pain on your inside knee joints and also shins. This can be solved with inserts for some. In my case I have to buy fairly expensive running shoes With a large amount of hardened support in the arch area to prevent the collapsing and rolling in. If you look at the pictures again it should make sense. As she applies weight the feet roll in. Shimming forces up the arch area and prevents the inward roll. Sorry not a podiatrist so cant really explain it any better

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