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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey all,

I'm thnking about getting a tattoo. They say you should stay out of the sun and chlorine while it heals, so the question is:

How many days before you put on hockey gear and have it get all sweaty and rubbed by the gear? I want to get it on my bicep, so my elbow pads would rub against it.

I play once a week, so if I played Wed and got it done on Thursday, would it be healed enough be the next Wed?

Could you put vasoline on it and cover it with paper towel then Prowrap for the skate if it wasn't fully healed?


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Sun and chlorine are musts but I think you could put the saran wrap on it and be good as long as you could take the soreness. Mine's on my wrist so it was pretty damn easy to deal with, except they're a pain to get there.

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What kind of tat are you going to get? I want one that has something to do with hockey, but I cant find/think of a good one. I was thinking about a Canadian flag, but instead of a pole, it was on a hockey stick.

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I think you could put the saran wrap on it and be good as long as you could take the soreness
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Saran wrap? Woud that prowrap stuff that they use before they tape up an ankle work...or is the Saran provide a better waterseal?

What kind of tat are you going to get?
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I've got it picked out. It's the Chinese symbol for Dragon which is the symbol for the year I was born. I've thought about the Maple Leaf or Candian Flag as well or a Bar code with my birthdate under it where the numbers go...

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  crosskore said:
What kind of tat are you going to get? I want one that has something to do with hockey, but I cant find/think of a good one. I was thinking about a Canadian flag, but instead of a pole, it was on a hockey stick.
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A kid I know got a goalie mask tattoo on the side of his calf. Its kinda neat. He played goalie of course, and as I joke I told him I was going to get a stick tattoo that started down at my ankle came up my leg,side of my body and the blade came across my chest since I play forward. That would be a crazy tattoo!

I like the idea of a hockey stick with a flag flying off of it.

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Help me here. Didn't someone on either the 1980's Islanders or Oilers teams get a tattoo of each Stanley Cup they won?

Not to scare anyone, but some guy on my team got his name, "Michael" tattooed across his stomach. It came out M-I-C-H-E-A-L. Whoops! Yeah he was pissed.

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I'd go with the Saran Wrap option, it's what they put on me and I kept using it. You could try the other wrap but it seems porous to me.

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I've had friends that got tatoos and played within a day or two. Hurt like hell, but they just covered it up and off they went. I'm trying to get one with a Maple leaf playing hockey, I actually had a friend of mine who's in Art school draw it out for me. Where are you thinking of getting it done Radio? I've heard Sink'n'Ink and the other place around Hess are the best, for the others you should have it on transfer paper and all they have to do is trace it for the best results.

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I've got the pic in my wallet. I want it slightly bigger than the picture I have. I'm pretty sure that no matter where you go, they will put it onto transfer paper first to show the exact position on your body before they start inking.

Yeah, I was thinking Sink n' Ink. Do yoiu knwo if you need an appointment there? There is a place on the Mountain called Skinners (it's on Upper James)...not sure about that place though. Wylde downtown is supposed to be good too, but it has a kinda biker look to it, Sn'I looks to be fairly clean cut looking (Hell it's right above a Wedding Chapel *L*)

The flag tied to a hockey stick would be a good one too....

...maybe for me second :D

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I think you need an appointment unless you go middle of the afternoon. I've heard of Skinners, mixed reviews. Only good things about Sink'n'Ink and Wylde as well. I couldn't remember the second places name, but I have heard of places just going free hand if you bring in a picture of pick one from their books.

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  Shorthanded67 said:
Help me here.  Didn't someone on either the 1980's Islanders or Oilers teams get a tattoo of each Stanley Cup they won?

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I know Mike Peluso of the Devils (Played for the Blues and Hawks as well, I believe.) got a tat of the Cup on his ankle after they won in '95. Can't say I have heard anything about anybody from the Oilers or Isles doing the same, though. Jeez, that would be a shit-load of ink ;)

- That Canadien Hockey tattoo Blazer was talking about sounds sweet. Of course, since I am American, there will have to be slight changes. I've never really given any thought to a tattoo; they always seemed kinda pointless and a big waste of money. Besides, they are WAY to "forever." Something is put on your body as a kid that you will die with as an old man. That's always turned me off of the idea. But, maybe that will change by the time I am 18.

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  Chadd said:
Keane had a tat from Montreal, Dallas and Colorado when he won the cup in each city.
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Sorry for re-opening this thread...kind of got lost in the shuffle.

Yeah, it was Mike Keane I was thinking of. I don't know where I got Oilers/Islanders from....Grant Fuhr came to mind for some reason. When Keane had his short stint here in St. Louis I heard that information. Thanks for the clear-up!

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So...after carrying the picture in my wallet for years...I finally went and got my "Dragon" tattoo last Wed.

I went to see the guy last Fall and asked him how long I should let it heal before playing. He said ideally, 2 weeks. So, I've had that in teh back of my mind since then...this is the first time in over a year and a half that I've had more than 2 weeks between skates...so I got it.

His literature said it takes 2-8 weeks for a tattoo to fully heal, but I've been washing it, and moisturizing as advised, and 5 days in almost all the scabbing has fallen off. It looks really good. Didn't hurt at all. I can't believe I waited this long to get it.

So now, it's only a matter of when I get #2...it is strangely addicting.

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It's funny because after reading this post I realized that one of the tat's they are talking about on the first page I drew up in class one day, walked into a shop and a week later had it.


Its on my shoulder blade.

Its about 2 months old now, planning to get a second in june.

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