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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherbrook SBK

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i can tell you that there is atleast 10+ players using sherwood gear and now with TPS being Sherwood that amount just went up.

myself i dont even use their gear but i have some respect for what they do even if they do not look great or anything.

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Yeah, the numbers aren't huge, but I've seen a few guys using Sherwood sticks/gloves:

Tomas Plekanec

Bobby Ryan

Jason Chimera

Antoine Vermette

Pierre-Marc Bouchard

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yeah they have some legit people using there gear and while it's not that good looking i think the functionality is perfect.

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Well, I am all for it. Any company that has something good to contribute is a plus in my book. My concern is that this company doesn't really seem to be offering anything that doesn't already exist, ...

Those two statements seem to be in conflict.

Not really - I am merely pointing out that I believe they will have to prove that they really are a worthy player in the marketplace. If they can offer greater performance and/or value compared to other brands then awesome. It just seems a little bit unlikely that will happen. I always hope that the small guys can be successful, but they definitely have an uphill battle before them. From first impressions alone, it seems to me that companies like Sande and Farrell have more interesting products and they haven't exactly been selling up a storm. In both of those cases they are small companies that have offered something unique with their brand. So, yes, I do have some doubts about a company that pretty much just appears to rip off of Sher-Wood (which isn't the strongest player to begin with). That said, I can still be hopeful that I am wrong because quality competition means better prices, better products, better closeout deals ;)

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I don't think the issue is quality. It's that Sherwood wasn't paying players to use their stuff. If you want to talk about quality, I think many on this board would say that Easton still hasn't figured out how to make a blade that is any more durable that papier mache.

And speaking of graphics and aesthetics: Give me an old black and white Sherwood Comp over any Warrior product any day. I'd rather look boring than look like I use a stick that is marketed to the 15 and under cage fighting and tattoo shop crowd. Warrior's whole marketing concept is embarrassing to me. I know Inno's reputation is great, but when I see Lidstrom with a Warrior stick in his hands, all I can think about is that it looks like he dug it out of his teenage son's closet.

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I tried a retail RM19 OPS... I'd rather use a wood stick.

Their MS Paint style graphics can't save a bad stick from being bad.

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When I tried RM8/9s I liked them just fine (I do think they are a bit pricey at their retail points. Of course, you can almost always find them a fair bit cheaper). I haven't used a 19. The gloves look like the one item that might be a winner for me. They look like the Sher-Wood pro gloves but I like the look of the extra holes. If they are of a similar quality level and stay under $100 they might be a nice option.

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it seems to me that companies like Sande and Farrell have more interesting products and they haven't exactly been selling up a storm.

Farrell hasnt been selling? At my lhs they cant keep farrell shoulder pads in and even a few players have been buying the goalie shirts, i have the cup + shorts from them and its a great idea, farrell is being used in the nhl with pretty decent numbers and there only going up, im sure down the road in a few years more then half of us will be wearing farrell, I have been amazed by the caring of the company (Sniper in particular, always looking for opinions and ways to improve his product), the innovation and the quality. Cannot say enough good things about Farrell.

But on the other hand, Sherbrook sbk is just a clone company, they took a mildly successful at best company and copied everything they made with a new name on it.

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When talking about Farrell I was speaking more to the case of Farrell sticks and gloves. Their shoulder pads seem to be doing just fine.

I bought my brother a pair of their HG300 gloves on sale and personally I think they are under rated. They are a very good value for a light, comfortable glove. The only knock I really have on them at all is that they don't have a lock thumb. Other than that they are very nice. Sande gloves are great as well. In both cases their products seem to sell for less than competitors despite being better. In my opinion the only gloves from a big brand that can compete on value are bauer 4 rolls at ~$90.

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When I tried RM8/9s I liked them just fine (I do think they are a bit pricey at their retail points. Of course, you can almost always find them a fair bit cheaper). I haven't used a 19. The gloves look like the one item that might be a winner for me. They look like the Sher-Wood pro gloves but I like the look of the extra holes. If they are of a similar quality level and stay under $100 they might be a nice option.

They're not bad at all. Seem to be like Sher-Wood Pro gloves. The Southern Sports Supply has them online at $75

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I figured as much - the low models just look cheap and have a goofy backroll layout. I am only really interested in the 4-rolls. Normally I wear 14" gloves so the next question is do I go 13.5" or 14.5"..... sigh

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Have you actually put your hands in them? If they are as good as they look that seems like a nice price

Yes I have. Light and comfortable. Not same class as top end Eagle gloves but definitely they have better value/performance ratio. I'd prefer them vs the Eagle Special Edition gloves. The two pairs I play in (not at the same time) :) are TPS Pro in NYR and Eagle CP92 Custom Pro in NYR which are quite more expensive gloves.

I figured as much - the low models just look cheap and have a goofy backroll layout. I am only really interested in the 4-rolls. Normally I wear 14" gloves so the next question is do I go 13.5" or 14.5"..... sigh

Ummm. I just compared mine in 14.5" to my 14" TPS HGT Pro in 14". Same length. TPS probably is a wider fit.

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I tried on Eagle special editions at Hockey Giant and I was less than impressed. So, I would certainly hope that these would fair better. The "Special Editions" didn't seem special at all and there are a LOT of other gloves in that price range that I would choose first personally.

I guess I will just have to wait for my gloves to wear out and then I can decide if I want to take the plunge.

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When talking about Farrell I was speaking more to the case of Farrell sticks and gloves. Their shoulder pads seem to be doing just fine.

I bought my brother a pair of their HG300 gloves on sale and personally I think they are under rated. They are a very good value for a light, comfortable glove. The only knock I really have on them at all is that they don't have a lock thumb. Other than that they are very nice. Sande gloves are great as well. In both cases their products seem to sell for less than competitors despite being better. In my opinion the only gloves from a big brand that can compete on value are bauer 4 rolls at ~$90.

Yeah i agree there unbelievably underrated , still the 50k fee for putting your company name on something in the nhl is just crap and greed, it keeps a lot of small companies like farrell from really going big, im sure there would be a big number of nhlers rocking farrells.

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I have seen some people knock Farrell gloves on this board and it makes me very suspicious about whether or not they have even seen them / worn them. They are pretty good stuff. Sande gloves are great as well. I have a hard time justifying purchasing anything else myself. I would much prefer to support a quality glove made by the little guy than to buy gimmicky crap like what the big name retail gloves have become.

New easton S17 gloves seem pretty overpriced cheap / gimmicky. I was never impressed by the new vapor series gloves (the old vapor line from the xxx era seemed better to me personally). I don't get it, even the clarino on the xxxx pro feels thin, rough, and cheap compared to both my prostock and retail bauer 4 rolls. You'd think it would be the same material coming from the same company. TPS gloves were good but some have cited durability issues with the retail versions. The new bauer supreme line of gloves seem like complete gimmicky crap gloves, Warrior / MIA / Eagle gloves are nice (at least on the high-end) but they are insanely expensive starting at $150+. Personally I find the micro-nash palms on Warriors underwhelming at that pricepoint. It seems to me the good ol' durasoft clarino on Bauer 4-rolls wins out there as well. Eagle's MSH2 seems like a strong option if you prefer the feel, but again $$$ on PPF and similar gloves.

I don't get why people choose crap with a big name rather than a quality Sande / Farrell glove. Bauer 4-rolls always seemed like a no-brainer as well (great product, good value, good durability, good aesthetics). But I guess that's just me. Maybe we should start a new "best glove when considering overall value" thread :P

Do the high-end salming gloves possibly have a chance to make the cut in this respect?

It's pretty hard for me to understand the value in any glove over $100 regardless of how nice it is.

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Normally I wear 14" gloves so the next question is do I go 13.5" or 14.5"..... sigh

Go for the 14.5''

I usually take 14'' gloves, and I've got the Sher-Woods in the 14.5''


I'm the same, I wear 14 mission, nike and RBK, but the 14.5" Sher-wood 9950 pro's might be my favorite fitting glove

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I have seen some people knock Farrell gloves on this board and it makes me very suspicious about whether or not they have even seen them / worn them. They are pretty good stuff. Sande gloves are great as well. I have a hard time justifying purchasing anything else myself. I would much prefer to support a quality glove made by the little guy than to buy gimmicky crap like what the big name retail gloves have become.

I've tried the Farrell gloves and don't care for them at all. I liked the Sande Max pros, but I've never liked the trigger finger. Funny that you say that the major manufacturers are relying on "gimmicks" and then pick two small guys whose products are based on features that could be described the same way.

Do the high-end salming gloves possibly have a chance to make the cut in this respect?

The PG1s that I had were excellent gloves, far better than either of the other brands in terms of comfort.

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I would disagree as (in my opinion) the gimmicks on the Farrell / Sande gloves don't really help or hurt.

Farrell - compression blocks. Essentially just a different material for the back rolls. They don't really work better, but they don't seem any worse either

Sande Trigger finger - I don't really see how a finger pocket helps since the fingers can just bend easily enough. I don't really see this as a significant benefit, but it doesn't hurt either.

So, I would agree that the "gimmicks" in these cases aren't helpful but the overall gloves and construction are good.

The new bauer / easton gloves however (one95 / Vapor XXXX / S17) just seem shoddy, cheaply made, overpriced, with low-quality palm materials. They just try to make them look cool on the shelf like that's all it takes to make a good glove. Of course a lot of this is personal preference, but perhaps that will help you understand where I was coming from

As a side note - anybody tried the Salming Evolution pros?

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Okay, all three of the gloves you named have a stretch palm with grip print. Farrell is a cheap nash.

Not only that, but all three gloves you have mentioned have a distinct, different shape and fit. Farrell is a knockoff 4-roll, Sande's a knockoff X70. Something wrong with your analogy. I understand what you're trying to say, but it's not like the gloves you are recommending are earth-shattering themselves, but an imitation of another product. Nor am I saying that the three gloves are the best, either.

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