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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rapping flight attendant

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Chadd...what airline do you work for?


This guy appears to be having fun.

It's funny how many times our passengers comment (negatively) on how Southwest does that.

Not quite to that extent...but I had a flight drew from Hamilton to Calgary on Westjet that had fun...it made the whole experience a lot better (I don't fly often). I guess if you are a frequent flyer that stuff may get annoying.

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Chadd...what airline do you work for?


This guy appears to be having fun.

It's funny how many times our passengers comment (negatively) on how Southwest does that.

Not quite to that extent...but I had a flight drew from Hamilton to Calgary on Westjet that had fun...it made the whole experience a lot better (I don't fly often). I guess if you are a frequent flyer that stuff may get annoying.

Trust me, everything about frequent flying is annoying...lol...But you've gotta loosen up and have fun with stuff like that.

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I can't see the video at work (youtube is blocked) but it sounds like it's Southwest, which is what I immeditaley assumed once I read the thread title. I fly them when I visit my family down in FL, their whole laid back joking routine is cool, definitely loosens people up. I love how they poke fun at their no frills service from time to time. If anyone works for them and wants to give me a discount since I appreciate their style I'll take one no questions asked :D

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As long as they shutup and let me sleep after that I'd be cool with it, otherwise I'd have to fake the shakes and have a nervous attack until I dramaticaly lowerd the mood of the whole flight.

I've been on inter-city coaches before where they insist you play bingo and take part in numerous quizes and/or raffles, I can only imagine this being worse on a plane.

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