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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help me choose my next license plate!

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Help me choose my next license plate!

I have a *very* beat up 1998 Ford Ranger to which I now OWN (made the final payment and the title is in the mail) and want to get vanity plates.

Please pick of the following:

A.) [bTR LOL]


C.) [bTR WTF]


E.) [bTR FTW]

F.) [bTR FTL]

G.) [ FTMFL ]

Any other suggestions welcome!

I'm personally torn between B and G.

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See if you can slip...

3M TA3

...past them. In a rearview mirror it will say Eat Me. I read a few years back that one State had put it on the "do not allow" list.

Childish...yes. Funny...maybe.

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I've always liked "COPBAIT" but I've seen some clever ones around campus. I QQ I is one, MCLOV1N another. A few months ago a friend brought up "DUI FTW" but I don't think that one would get through hahah

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Whatever you do, I'd stay away from D) WTF BTR - at a quick glance it looks you are rocking the wife beater plate.

I think some variation on PAID4 is your best bet.

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I saw BEER ME last week when I was walking to campus. I giggled a little. Funny you brought this up. I'd say B. Or PAID4. It'd be funny pulling up next to a guy in an '09 Escalade with the same plates as you. Haha.

edit: Or to poke fun at the guys on the PHEW group of Facebook SIK STY. I don't think many people would get it (or they would assume you had a minor eye infection), but those who did would sure get a good laugh out of it.

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Other than the one that currently is my avatar, I saw this one in Philly last October -


Mine just says Bouce :)


Haha I'll have to keep an eye out for that "Bouce" one while I'm in Florida next week!

The best one I saw was on some Corvette that said DNTBTHR. I assume it was for anyone looking for a race lol.

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