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Skate Break In Question

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I have a specific break in question for all you One95 users out there. I've put in around 10 hours on my new skates (which by the way I think couldn't fit my foot any better). The only problem is that towards the end of a skate or game I feel like they start loosening up to the point where I feel like i'm getting very slight heel lift. Is this just a break in issue or should I try different lacing or something? I wear a size 10 shoe, 8.5 in the one95, and I'm sure they aren't too big for my feet. Thanks in advance.

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Try searching 'lace lock', a style of lacing your skates differently that hold them in place better. Your heel might be slipping if your laces get stretched out during your games/practices.

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Definitely recommend the lace lock. Mine heel never slipped although I'm wearing a size 2.5 sizes smaller then my shoe.

Try doing this:

lace your skates up leaving the top eyelet un done.

put the lace through the top eyelet so it goes towards your foot, creating a loop (think of it as an extra eyelet)

leaving some slack in the loop, run the lace over your foot and through the loop you've created on the opposite side. (do this on both sides)

pull the laces tight so there is no slack, and tie up your skates accordingly.

Works great to keep laces done up tight.

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I have a specific break in question for all you One95 users out there. I've put in around 10 hours on my new skates (which by the way I think couldn't fit my foot any better). The only problem is that towards the end of a skate or game I feel like they start loosening up to the point where I feel like i'm getting very slight heel lift. Is this just a break in issue or should I try different lacing or something? I wear a size 10 shoe, 8.5 in the one95, and I'm sure they aren't too big for my feet. Thanks in advance.

It is probably just a case of your foot settling into the ankle padding as your skate goes on. You may just need to give the skates a retie at sometime during your skate.

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Hawks fan do you toes touch the front of the skate when you are just standing or sitting in the skates?

No they don't touch, but if I do push my foot up to the toe cap there is basically no space between the heel cup of the boot and my heel (probably not even a half of an inch - more like pencil width). I didn't like the way the size 8 fit me, even knowing that the boot would expand a little over time...it just didn't fit my foot right.

I don't experience heel lift until the end (last 15 minutes of a skate or a game). I think it just may be a lacing issue mixed with the eyelets breaking in more...

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Skates sound too big to me. You're in an 8.5, considering you didn't like the 8? When I tried mine on the 10.5 was the worst experience I've ever had in putting a boot on. Pain everywhere, cramped feet, I even told the guy I was walking out with a pair of one95's today, but it wasn't going to be this pair. The problem was the 11's were way to big in the forefoot. My LHS said he'd bake em up for me in the 10.5, and if I still wasn't happy we'd try something else. Best thing he could've done. Boot fits perfect to my foot now, no negative space. Keep in mind I'm a size 13 shoe, 11.5 vapor xxx, 11 one90, 10.5 one95. Perhaps you can get them re baked at your hockey shop?

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I am at 15 hrs on my one95's.....heel lock is pretty good on these skates, try waxed laces

I just tried waxed today from the bauer laces and wow my skates were like batting gloves for my feet

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They are probably too big, but too late now the waxed laces should help them stay tighter longer. For future reference when getting a properly fitted skate you want your toes to just be able to brush up against the toe cap when tying them on and sitting around. When you stand up and flex in the boot your toes should slide back enough so that they probably won't touch the toecap.

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They are probably too big, but too late now the waxed laces should help them stay tighter longer. For future reference when getting a properly fitted skate you want your toes to just be able to brush up against the toe cap when tying them on and sitting around. When you stand up and flex in the boot your toes should slide back enough so that they probably won't touch the toecap.

The only issue with that is some people have one foot longer than the other. Depending on which way you want to compromise one skate could fit spot on and the other a bit too long. Going custom is not an option for everyone. I have one foot about a half size smaller than the other and have tried fitting to the smaller foot and the bigger foot kills me. So I end up with one skate about a half size bigger than the perfect fit.

Question. Is a small amount of movement in the heel acceptable if it doesn't cause issues with the skin? Does it really affect performance?

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Just tighten them up between shifts...
Wow, could you really imagine doing that every shift? I would go crazy.

I don't think he meant between every shift.

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Yah haha, I guess that might be a little extreme. Still though, I hate having to adjust gear mid game. I hate even switching sticks. Only thing I would do is re tape my stick in intermissions.

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