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NHL '12

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The biggest thing that's helped me is that I don't try to rush, and I think that's the problem a lot of people are having. It's not like pong, just going up and down the rink in near straight lines is not going to be anywhere near as effective. I love this game because of that. I'm taking my time and making better passes, playing the boards, and setting things up better. From what I've seen from playing people online is that they are to eager to get the puck and do a move and try to score. They put their players in bad positions and give up scoring chances. I find it easy to set up defensivy in the zone, and just cut off main passing lanes.

Haven't had much time to do GM mode, that's next on the list.

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Random trade of the day in my season: Scott Niedermayer for Ian White. Wat.

rofl, i had rafalski and clearly to atlanta for kozlov and someone else thats useless

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OK so yesterday I played 20 online games and really took the time to evaluate the game, for what its worth, heres my take...

Lets remember that im talking from the standpoint of a person who was not a NHL 09 glitcher...

The game is better in some areas like the skill stick feels better, the skating feels better and the passing system is somewhat more chalenging but theres allot of things that take away from the sport... First the obstruction is terrible, people hitting you without the puck, board play with out the puck, but to EA'sa defence, this was tru in 09 too before the patch that called obstruction...

The game is so watered down its not representative of the NHL, the Difference in speed of players is nothing like the real NHL, no way should Hall Gill skate even close to the speed of a guy like Gaborik, that what makes guys special, the fact that they can blow by certain guys,

Why is it that a guy like Semin cant snipe alone with a goaltender, I mean please...

The fact is all the players are the same, I can score a cross crease goal with Laraques as well as I can with Camillary, I mean wtf is that...

NHL 10 does not reward the good position hockey player, it I catch your players out of position on a turn over, it does not matter because I cant snipe on your goaltender, I have to use the same old deke move all the time to score, in NHL 09, (take away the glitchers) you could beat someone on hockey sense, it you where in better position of had better hockey sense, you could put yourself in a better position an beat a guy, now even if I dominate a guy 40 shots to 6, he might get a flucky goal and win 1 - 0, in the NHL if you get outshot this bad, you will be on the losing end because 1, your tender will be tired so at the very least you will have to go to the backup, and there perforemance will deminish because of fatigue... Not in NHL 10, goaltenders are fresh for the hole game and will make banana saves on the 6th rebound on the PK no less :rolleyes:

Shot Aim:

Why is it that you cant aim anymore, lat year you could aim, now even if the net is open, you still seem to miss the net, are we still using NHL players here? Only goals that can be scored are dangles and cross passes...

Penality shots:

Also lets talk about the glitches, the shootout glitch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CydGfBFUzQ scrool forward to 1:02 on...

And why is there so many shootouts, what the ^*&^*, you catch the guy IE Hall Gill catching Gaborik :rolleyes: like that would happen,

there side by side, Gabo goes down and still call a penality shot...

I mean 4 penality shots in a game in a senceless

On the knees:

Now the on the knees stuff is also ridiculous, why is it that if I fall on my knees Im stuck there, cant pass or even better get up and keep going, If i fall on my knees on the blue line, an nhl player would at the very least get back up or pass, what the hell do you want me to do from my knees on the blue line?

Lift the stick:

some times my stick goes up for the lift some times I hook, witch one is it EA?

Rebound shots:

Why is it that my player swings wildly at air when I dont have the puck, ok so the opposition corals the rebound and I want to hit him, but wait my player is still trying to swing at a invisible puck wen he should be hitting the guy with the puck, worst, the crawd reacts to my wild swing as if I was missing something of a open net, wtf? and the fact that the goaltender can stop a 7th rebound from Crosby and Malkin 1:40 into a powerplay baffles me...


So many things wrong there, Ok everybody is right handed? so if I beat a guy without taking a punch, why is my helmet off? where is everyone wen the fight starts, I mean the was a pileup around the net and next thing I know everyone is gone? So if a guy goes down, the ref dont need to seperate us, my player will just let go? why is it that Laraque needs 4 punches to knock out Crosby, or worst, why is it that Fishier can Knock out chara with 4 punches? I mean if Chara faces Fishier, one punch maybe 2 and Fish is swimming in his blood... Why does every fight finish with a KO, what happens to good old fight where 2 guys get separated tired?, wen is the lat time you saw someone get KO'ed, it happens maybe 4 times a year, not 3 times a game... What happenned to the black eyes from the demo?

Board play:

What can be said, its ok, hopefully in the future they can do a better job at it, with the advancement in Madden 10 running pay contack, im confident that in future games they will make it better, I can appreciate what they attempted

Player fatigue:

THis EA got right, you have to be better at changing lines and use more of your roster, you got to go to the 4th line at time, great job EA, now the fact that every plyer performs similar makes that a mute point

OK some will say im being critical bet lets put this in perspective, you can only be judged by your previous work, NHL 2009 gameplay was so good that it made me give up on PC games and purchased a console, I purchased Madden 09, NBA 2k9 and NHL 09, NHL 09 was so good I basicly did not play the other to all year, I could not play anything else, I played over 700 online games, the game was so much fun that I could play for hours on end. Everybody could come to my house and lurn the game quick enought that if was fun...

NHL 10 is a horrible game, the gameplay is poor, you waste so much time making passes accurate that it takes away from the game, the game is slowed down, so many missed passes that they give you achevements for not comiting a Icing in VS play lol! Players dont go where there supose to, the players dont feel like NHL calibour and the goaltenders are so good that its comical, last year when you scored, you felt excited, this year, even if you score or get scored on, it feels so random it turns you off, last year you did not know haw the goal was going to go in or when, this year thanks to the cross pass goal, its predictable and you find yourself diving like an idiot to prevent it... Even worst, if you dominate a guy and cant score, the guy just gets 1 2 oin one all game and scores on you, its game over...

As a programmer, I can tell you that playing this game feels like playing a game that was incomplete, I could appreciate the effort and intel that went into creating last years game, this year they just F^%* it up, now I cant wait for the NBA games to come out to play video gamers again...

if someone wants nhl 10, im selling my copy for 40$

By the way, You guys should try NBA live 10 demo on XBL, they did a good job this year, the game feels exciting...

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There are some real head-scratchers with this "trade value" crap. I made the mistake of starting a season at the Draft and saw a lot of weird, shitty trades made. Then I'm stuck trying to haggle with the computer and can never pull off such deals nor am I ever offered any. Except for stealing Getzlaf off the Ducks.

They put way too much emphasis on young prospects this year. I saw San Jose give a 1st and 2nd round picks for some AHL guy with a B potential. He was a 75 overall at most, if I remember right. I can't believe EA put this through beta testing, saw some of these trades, and thought it was spot on. It's terrible.

The other thing I don't like is they still didn't add a "trade interest" meter, or atleast a last chance option to accept the trade or not. I hated in 09 how I just had to put random offers to see if I could get a guy, and then when it goes through and I back out of the trade menu, it autosaves. If anybody here's ever played EHM, there's a little bar at the bottom that tells you how interested the other team is in your trade. If the other team accepts, they give you an option to go through with it or not. They have this emphasis on your GM reputation, but 95% of my trades don't go through and my rep lowers because I have no idea what the other team is thinking.

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I'm enjoying the game just like I did with the other games. I don't really care about the glitches and stuff as a whole. I like the new board play, the way the goalies move and the harder passing. The game is not perfect for sure but there aren't that many perfect games out there either. I have turned off AI trading because of the stupid trades that go through "behind my back" and the fact that there were just too many new players every time I faced a team during the season. I also like the fact that I'm getting a few more power plays this time around for some reason.

The game is not perfect but it's fun and I find it entertaining.

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I firmly believe it's going to take a couple patches to get everything working right.

My biggest complaint would be board play, if the guy is within 5 feet of me I'm pinned. Meanwhile, if I don't line the hit up 100% perfect, I miss. It should be the same for both, and we need a slider for boardplay difficulty.

I've been experimenting with cranking attribute effect up all the way. I ended up dropping goalie reaction time down because the average goalie save percentage would be .950 or better, but then it got ridiculous, blowout games.

We ought to compare settings. I'll take notes of mine when I get home.

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I firmly believe it's going to take a couple patches to get everything working right.

My biggest complaint would be board play, if the guy is within 5 feet of me I'm pinned. Meanwhile, if I don't line the hit up 100% perfect, I miss. It should be the same for both, and we need a slider for boardplay difficulty.

I've been experimenting with cranking attribute effect up all the way. I ended up dropping goalie reaction time down because the average goalie save percentage would be .950 or better, but then it got ridiculous, blowout games.

We ought to compare settings. I'll take notes of mine when I get home.

thats all fun and good messing with sliders but in online ranked play, all this is not possible...

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So I'm now 1-7 online. I am not that bad but it seems like there is no skill to playing this game other than hitting the poke check button. i am usually the penguins or capitals, teams that offensively are dominate with ok tenders. Its just frusterating to be up 1-0 all game then give up two SH goals within 10 seconds of each other twice off freakish bounces. the game isnt very realistic at all. Not to mention how can a guy be 10 feet ahead and get caught by someone whos alot slower in real life

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I agree that the game is not perfect by any means. The wraparound goal is very much still able to be pulled off at a high rate.

But i freakin hate playin against the penguins. Every single player on that team can chase any player on my team and poke check from behind. every time!

but i'll still play/

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i stacked the leafs before i started be a pro, so i had malkin and crosby for poni and grabovski lol, somehow their 2nd in the east, and islanders are 4th

last year in 09 islanders was like 2nd in the east until the last few months

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i stacked the leafs before i started be a pro, so i had malkin and crosby for poni and grabovski lol, somehow their 2nd in the east, and islanders are 4th

last year in 09 islanders was like 2nd in the east until the last few months

I won my last Stanley cup on 09 with the Habs. I was playing the Coyotes for the cup....

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NHL 10 does not reward the good position hockey player, it I catch your players out of position on a turn over, it does not matter because I cant snipe on your goaltender
you can snipe a goalie, its just not every single shot. you have to balance you scoring chances you cant go for the snipe every time. on a side not it seems like point shots are alot more effective this year. i agree about the hitting it needs some serious tweaking

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So I'm now 1-7 online. I am not that bad but it seems like there is no skill to playing this game other than hitting the poke check button. i am usually the penguins or capitals, teams that offensively are dominate with ok tenders. Its just frusterating to be up 1-0 all game then give up two SH goals within 10 seconds of each other twice off freakish bounces. the game isnt very realistic at all. Not to mention how can a guy be 10 feet ahead and get caught by someone whos alot slower in real life

dude, that is so frustrating, you go around a Bruce Orpik with Lecavalier and he catches... like wtf is going on...

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After doing well on Pro, (19-6-1) I move up to All-star.

Rather than making the Buffalo Sabres better to match me, they just make my goalie suck to "keep it close" I guess. Lundquist gives up 5 goals on 13 shots through the end of the second, 3 of them being harmless wristers that squeak through his arms. Going into the third its 5-4 and I'm really pressing. 5 minutes left, finally getting some momentum, and Marian Gaborik jumps on the ice, and doesn't take two strides before he high sticks someone, four minute double minor. They score twice on the power play, neither goal is worth a damn, and I lose 8-4 after I pull my goalie to try an make up some ground with 2 minutes left.

Why make the game more exciting on higher levels, when you can just make the game as frustrating and ridiculous as possible. Back to Pro, where I'm averaging 6 goals a game and have a 12 game win streak.


Edit: final shot totals: Rangers 34, Sabres 23. I estimate I hit 7 posts, easily.

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ye i had that problem, so i turned it up to superstar and set the cpu difficulty lower, so my AIs a lil smarter (their still dumb) and the other teams not invincible

and i agree, the checking animations and checking itself is pissing me off, my dudes 6'2 220, and i hit gionta and fall over and he skates off like nothing happens, and every hit against me makes me fall over

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ive tried 2k10 and i think it is great. pretty realistic passing, and shooting engines it seems. players are a touch slower it seems but they also have a realistic speed. Hal Gill wont be burning up the ice after Gaborik or anything. I think its pretty solid and realistic. just wish they gave ya more features like unlockable jerseys etc.

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Just played my first online game for NHL10...I HATE IT! The players are beyond slow, you can't skate past anyone no matter who you are, the passing sucks and I am beyond tired of spending 5 minutes after every whistle watching my guys get bounced around. I feel like I'm going to break the joystick off the xbox controller trying to get my players to skate faster!

SCREW ONLINE PLAY I'm going back to my custom settings that don't make me feel like I'm playing in the local c league(which I do, in real life)

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ive tried 2k10 and i think it is great. pretty realistic passing, and shooting engines it seems. players are a touch slower it seems but they also have a realistic speed. Hal Gill wont be burning up the ice after Gaborik or anything. I think its pretty solid and realistic. just wish they gave ya more features like unlockable jerseys etc.

I'm going to try NHL 2K10 if the local store has it. I actually liked 2K9, I think it has a better presentation than NHL 09 or 10. The faceoffs are nice, and when you play with the sliders the gameplay isn't really that bad. There's a lot of little things I liked in the 2K series, like the aforementioned presentation and faceoffs, the individual highlight reels after the game, the create-a-player options, the animations they have. On the other hand there's some glaring gameplay issues like the awkward animation problems after scoring a goal, the "turbo" animation where the puck is glued to your players stick, and the lack of meat to the other game modes. I wish EA and 2K Sports would combine. Both games have ups and downs, and together they would be awesome.

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has anyone's be a pro been injured yet? i've been turning the injury slider all the way up just to see what happens. :P

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has anyone's be a pro been injured yet? i've been turning the injury slider all the way up just to see what happens. :P

My pro broke his leg and is out for the season. Conincidentally, right after that happened i quit and played EASHL, and my xbox broke. So I guess I am out for the season ....

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Just played my first online game for NHL10...I HATE IT! The players are beyond slow, you can't skate past anyone no matter who you are, the passing sucks and I am beyond tired of spending 5 minutes after every whistle watching my guys get bounced around. I feel like I'm going to break the joystick off the xbox controller trying to get my players to skate faster!

SCREW ONLINE PLAY I'm going back to my custom settings that don't make me feel like I'm playing in the local c league(which I do, in real life)

my sentiment exactly

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I find Be A Pro to be very very similar to 09. Still a little disappointed with the lackluster presentation of the game. They could have done a lot better in that regard.

I actually enjoy online play, but only playing against friends not some random person on the net. However I agree that its a tad too slow game speed wise.

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so i decided to simulate from february to mid march in be-a-pro. whoops. big mistake. despite leading the league in virtually every column as an offensive defender, i got booted to the AHL and its not looking good for my comeback to the playoffs.

they need to shorten the game length, or the season.

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they need to shorten the game length, or the season.

or the stoppages...they make the game that much longer.

i'm seriously rattled with this game right now, i cant win because i dont have the cross-crease pass perfected. i can outshoot the opponent online 35-10 and he gets 5 goals, i get 1 or 2.

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