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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL '12

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lol apparantly one of the PS3 patches caused problems with the blu-ray player...it wouldn't read anything or something.

wish they'll fix the stupid defense AI its pissing me off how computer keeps taking my space and forcing me to run to the other side

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xbox360 > ps3 :D

i am so annoyed with nhl this year anyways. i don't like it. same stupid goals, i gave up playing online cause most people just use the glitch goals all the time.

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I havent had too much problem with glitch goals but why is it that noone passes or uses the points online at all? 96 shot power going to waste :/

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I havent had too much problem with glitch goals but why is it that noone passes or uses the points online at all? 96 shot power going to waste :/

Join a team that communicates and you will get the puck a lot more. I rarely get the puck during OTP if I'm playing D, but in my club games it's great cycling.

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Yea I know, I'm talking about OTP. My club is just some real life friends and most of them dont play much.

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Online play :rolleyes:

OK, so I'm getting the feeling I'm missing something here. I have Gaborik, playing wing obviously, and the puck comes out to brent seabrook. Gaborik pokes the pass, it bounces up the boards, and Gabby scoops it up 2 strides ahead of seabrook. I'm not to the red line yet but well ahead of seabrook, at least two strides. I race up, using the left trigger to go faster, but somehow Seabrook, skating backwards, is IN FRONT OF ME by the time I hit the top of the circles. Are people able to use those boosts in online play or something? I swear every team is so much faster than I am, even If I choose a fast team like Washington.

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I race up, using the left trigger to go faster

I didn't know holding the left trigger made you go faster

Tapping it gives the skater a burst of speed.

yea it's basically the move where they use one hand to push it ahead of them so they can skate harder

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Thats not what the left trigger does. The left trigger, when held, makes your player face the puck.

When using the default controls that is.

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Thats not what the left trigger does. The left trigger, when held, makes your player face the puck.

When using the default controls that is.

When would you NOT face the puck when you are stickhandling?

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The left trigger is what lets you skate backwards. I think it was the left bumper that let you push the puck ahead, whatever the saucer pass button was... No it doesn't work, havent tried the left trigger since I've barely played '10 since I got it.

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Without the puck, the left trigger lets you skate backwards (if you have auto-backskate off).

With the puck, if you hold the left trigger you will always face towards the goal. If you tap the left trigger, your player pushes the puck ahead with a speed burst. It only works if you're alone or past the defenseman though, otherwise the AI just skates right to the puck and steals it from you.

On another note, how many times do I have to get scored on back door before my AI team mates pick that guy up?? I swear 2/3rd's of the goals scored against me are because my other defenseman just watches a guy streak into the slot or backdoor for a easy goal, because my goalie is doing the friggin split save. I can't play as 2 people at once god damnit.

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I think the 360 version has already done about 3 roster updates. Just make sure theyre loaded before you start a new season or be a pro if you want them in.

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The new tuner version made the play a little quick and more fun. But I've got 30 goals in 15 games, all of them slappers to the top left corner...kinda odd. Another thing I've noticed is when I'm carrying the puck many times two of my players skate in front of me and stop at the blue line, blocking me from entering the zone. Really bad AI.

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Another thing I've noticed is when I'm carrying the puck many times two of my players skate in front of me and stop at the blue line, blocking me from entering the zone. Really bad AI.

Are you set up for dump and chase or are they looking for a breakout pass? You don't need to carry it in yourself.

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Another thing I've noticed is when I'm carrying the puck many times two of my players skate in front of me and stop at the blue line, blocking me from entering the zone. Really bad AI.

Are you set up for dump and chase or are they looking for a breakout pass? You don't need to carry it in yourself.

It's BAP, I can't really do much as far as the coaching goes. What they do is skate up to the blue line, stop, and start skating laterally with the puck, dump it back to me at the red line, then skate in front of me to block me from entering the zone.

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Fixed the exploit to slap-shot a 5-hole goal from below the face-off circle.

Never had this problem.

Increased speed of passes with Manual passing on.

I always crank all my passes up and play on Casual, but maybe I'll give manual a shot after this.

Reduced the ability to boardplay players who are far away from you.

YES. This was so damn annoying it almost ruined going on the boards for me.

Tuning of trade logic.

YES. No reason this should happen.

Added the ability for a user to apply boost slots to authentic helmets.

YES YES YES. I haven't used a helmet boost yet since it looks so awful...now they just need to fix the gloves.

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But they're probably not going to put 3 slots into authentic equipment. I'm guessing 1 or 2 slots only, since those custom equipment generates huge revenue.

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