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NHL '12

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No, because that's the 2K-series. EA pretty much had a monopoly on hockey games with the way sales went last year. NHL 2k10 wasn't bad, but it was a love-it-or-hate-it affair. The good was outweighed pretty heavily by the bad. I hope they take the extra year to reboot the franchise and try to compete with EA. 2k10 had potential, but they needed to fix a lot of things.

I would hate to see NHL turn into Madden, where the lack of competition lets them get away with a roster update and 1 lackluster feature every year.

i know that, i was kinda refering to no competition thing, figured ppl would get it since we talked about it here :)

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on ps3 when playing against a friend on the same TV is there anyway to make one team always up? I set it in the visual settings to always up, prefer up, etc. tried anything with the word up in it and it always alternates the view. I swear one game it had the home team going up for all 3 periods but that was it. I dont know how or why..

Any help would be appreciated as I prefer up and my roommate prefers to skate down so it works out perfect for us to play against eachother with no bitching about the view. I know you could do it in 2009 but I cant get it in 2010.

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on ps3 when playing against a friend on the same TV is there anyway to make one team always up? I set it in the visual settings to always up, prefer up, etc. tried anything with the word up in it and it always alternates the view. I swear one game it had the home team going up for all 3 periods but that was it. I dont know how or why..

Any help would be appreciated as I prefer up and my roommate prefers to skate down so it works out perfect for us to play against eachother with no bitching about the view. I know you could do it in 2009 but I cant get it in 2010.

you just gotta do Home Team always up. Or away team always up. When u go to settings> video > camera

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When the '11 demo comes out, if I see one single goalie drop into that stupid, sliding, scrotum tearning split, I'm not buying the stupid game. I'm so sick of seeing it, it's just ridiculous.

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When the '11 demo comes out, if I see one single goalie drop into that stupid, sliding, scrotum tearning split, I'm not buying the stupid game. I'm so sick of seeing it, it's just ridiculous.

Dude! And they ALWAYS have to get up really slowly from their ass so any decent player you're playing online does a little forehand/backhand deke around them and you know he's just sitting on his couch laughing. lol.

I really only play online vs. one on one and it's such a pain when you start doing well and it matches you with better guys only to find out they're glitching.

I played against this one guy who would skate with the puck and stop if one of my AI teammates were chasing him. Before I could take control of the closest guy to him my AI partner has already slashed or hooked him. I don't know how many minors I had in that game. It was ridiculous.

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you just gotta do Home Team always up. Or away team always up. When u go to settings> video > camera

I do that. Once the game starts I pause and set it to home up and it doesnt change it. I still have to go down for the second period. It works fine playing against the CPU, but not in a player vs player match on the same machine. :(

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Has anyone else noticed this. A friend of mine figured out that, when a guy has a breakaway, or an odd man rush, don't hook, stick lift or pokecheck because it might not work. Instead, hit the Y button and "challenge" the guy to a fight. He'll give up the puck to stare you down, whether he fights or not. Obviously, we hate him for it and me and another of my roommates refuse to play him for that reason and various other BS plays he makes. Our Xbox live ran out and we didn't re-up until yesterday. Has this become a trend in online?

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Has anyone else noticed this. A friend of mine figured out that, when a guy has a breakaway, or an odd man rush, don't hook, stick lift or pokecheck because it might not work. Instead, hit the Y button and "challenge" the guy to a fight. He'll give up the puck to stare you down, whether he fights or not. Obviously, we hate him for it and me and another of my roommates refuse to play him for that reason and various other BS plays he makes. Our Xbox live ran out and we didn't re-up until yesterday. Has this become a trend in online?

Not sure about your question but I may have the solution to your prob. w/ your buddy...When I was in college we made a set of rules to eliminate douchey play. Violate any of these rules and the punishment was simple, a swift crack in the nuts. The cheap crap will end real fast.

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Not sure about your question but I may have the solution to your prob. w/ your buddy...When I was in college we made a set of rules to eliminate douchey play. Violate any of these rules and the punishment was simple, a swift crack in the nuts. The cheap crap will end real fast.

You would have to know my buddy to understand why that would never work. When it comes to stuff like this he's an idiot of the highest order.

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I saw on Goozex NHL 10 is still worth $45 to trade so I'm selling it. It was okay, not as fun as NHL 09, probably because BAP was too easy. But recouping 75% of my money on the game sure would be nice...especially since the price will tank in a few months as NHL 11 gets closer.

Might pick up NHL 09 on the cheap if I get the itch, but we're getting a Wii and I kinda want to try the 2k10 with the fancy controller.

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i loved this game when it first came. Lately it just sucks. Started playing for the first time in a couple weeks and its like everyone i play against has speed burst? Every team i play with is constantly beat to every loose puck. Their defenders are skating faster backwards that i can forwards. their poke check takes the puck away nearly every time, and as soon as i gain possession my stick gets lifted and they have control. I get about 5 more penalties a game due to whenever i try a stick lift its a slash. Every other rush results in odd man situations because they simply skate faster than everyone on my team.

every hit i make barely stuns them save 1 or 2 times a game i can separate them from the puck. Every rush i make i am getting obliterated. I am not terrible at this game. I used to win quite a bit, so its not skill level im talking here as positionally i can make my team make plays it just takes finsane amount of patience to even get a shot anymore. I used to average around 30 shots a game. I am lucky to even get into the offensive zone to get a shot off anymore. I am averaging 4 shots a period now??? The gameplay is running smooth, so it doesnt appear any lag, unless they are giving away massive host advantage. I still am winning games due to working position, but its either i win by a goal or lose by 3 or more. I dont understand what the hell happened to this game?!?

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Anyone else notice how rediculous heatley is in this game when you're playing the cpu. Legit, the cpu tries to get him the puck everytime he's on the ice in all three zones and he snipes from every where.

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Anybody having problems with Be a GM freezing lately? All of my Be a GM saves are freezing after the trade deadline. This has happened to two different teams and save files. I've never had this problem before, and it's really really aggravating.

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Anybody having problems with Be a GM freezing lately? All of my Be a GM saves are freezing after the trade deadline. This has happened to two different teams and save files. I've never had this problem before, and it's really really aggravating.

Disc clean???

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It's installed on my hard drive so the disc shouldn't matter, but yeah it's clean. It didn't develop after installing it to the hard drive either, because it's been like that since day 1. It just started doing this last week or so.

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It happened when I was playing/saving it on a 360. Nothing wrong with it on the PS3, but the 360 would screw up from time to time on that. What's worked for me is saving the game only on off-days on the calendar. Sounds weird, but since then it's screwed up only once *knock on wood*.

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Started playing vs online play, not doing too bad, but playing against better skilled players can be a challenge, but I'm for it. Here is my biggest beef I have for the last 2 games - Played against 2 different people, who despite being up by a goal with a minute to go, decide to pull their goalie, yet they are schooling me in shots like 28-8.

Another problem I have playing online, is I can't my rosters to be what I want. I use the Leafs (yes that is half my problem with getting outplayed - I'll get it out of everyones comments I know), but..... the roster I save is not the roster I get stuck with. I say stuck with because I can't edit my lines, and I don't want Lundmark, or Wallin in my lineup. I want to dress Orr, but nope, can't do it. I want Komisarek in - nope, my lines are set as such, but when I play a game - crappy line up. :(

Any input into this at all?????

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Just started playing NHL 10 for first time. Where should I start? Which season, etc? I'm still learning how to control the player's movements.

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It's installed on my hard drive so the disc shouldn't matter, but yeah it's clean. It didn't develop after installing it to the hard drive either, because it's been like that since day 1. It just started doing this last week or so.

When you install a disc to the hard drive, you're not installing it onto the Xbox. Rather, you're making the files on the disc more accessible which results in slower load times.

Just started playing NHL 10 for first time. Where should I start? Which season, etc? I'm still learning how to control the player's movements.

Just start playing around in practice mode to get a feel for everything if you take a little while to pick up on things. Otherwise you can just hop into quick matches with the computer (you can set it to rookie which is the easiest setting) and start playing there. I know that when I first started I had a hard time putting the puck where I wanted. Also, make sure not to go online for a little while, unless you like to be shut down and pulverized playing against ridiculously good players.

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I only do one on one vs. play and I consider myself pretty damn good. Every once in a while though there are some guys who are absolutely cheap. But most of the time it's the game that's cheap. My biggest beef with the game is trying to throw a check and bouncing off the puck carrier while he keeps skating up ice with the puck like he was never touched. Not every hit has to be a big hit but it should at least knock the guy off balance or make the puck loose.

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I only do one on one vs. play and I consider myself pretty damn good. Every once in a while though there are some guys who are absolutely cheap. But most of the time it's the game that's cheap. My biggest beef with the game is trying to throw a check and bouncing off the puck carrier while he keeps skating up ice with the puck like he was never touched. Not every hit has to be a big hit but it should at least knock the guy off balance or make the puck loose.

you sound like you are missing your hits...

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