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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL '12

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1UP had a podcast today:

- Every hit in NHL 11 will supposedly be different because it's all physics based

- If you clip a leg, player might trip on one leg, if you hit him low he'll go over the top, if you hit him into the boards the physics kicks in and the player reacts properly to the boards.

- Russian guy with a PHD in physics helping with the physics engine

- Focus of physics engine was to improve the players and boards as well as "some new pucks tuff" and "faceoff stuff.

- 3 year plan to switch the game from animation based to physics based

- No longer scripting canned stuff. Their goal for each NHL game per year is to try to make it unpredictable and to the point where every game is different as seen on TV.

- Broken sticks are no supposed to be a gimmick. Two pieces of the stick can lay on the ice and disrupt a play, cause a breakaway, etc;. You can kick the puck up the ice without your stick, you can defend without your stick or you can hand your defenseman a stick if you're a forward.

- You start your Be A Pro career in the Memorial Cup.

- All league jerseys will be up for EASHL use

- New mode that is not yet revealed but is significant and new for the NHL series

- Looking into adding NCAA but there's no agreement yet

- Faceoffs are completely redesigned. You can also change the way you want to go in on a faceoff if you want to use your backhand.

I do not like that 3 year plan because that means to me that the games won't be as good as it should be until 3 years from now. Also, the broken stick thing seems nice but I can definitely see it getting old real fast when you play a game. The only thing I want to see change in faceoffs is that one formation when you take the faceoff from the offensive right circle where you have all your forwards left and nobody behind you, if they fix that I will be happy!

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They don't have time to update the entire engine while also replacing mechanics and rosters, stadiums, leagues etc etc.

Don't look at it like it's not going to be omg-bamazing for 3 years. More like it will consistently get better over a 3 year release schedule.

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I do not like that 3 year plan because that means to me that the games won't be as good as it should be until 3 years from now. Also, the broken stick thing seems nice but I can definitely see it getting old real fast when you play a game. The only thing I want to see change in faceoffs is that one formation when you take the faceoff from the offensive right circle where you have all your forwards left and nobody behind you, if they fix that I will be happy!

Oh, I can't stand that, you have 20 seconds left on the power play and you know it's basically over because even if you win the draw its zipping out to the neutral zone. It's stupid, especially because you can't win them sideways like you could in previous years.

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Oh, I can't stand that, you have 20 seconds left on the power play and you know it's basically over because even if you win the draw its zipping out to the neutral zone. It's stupid, especially because you can't win them sideways like you could in previous years.

hold down on the LS when in the cut scene when you press A...it will put you in the conservative faceoff formation. You might be holding up, which puts you in the aggressive formation, hence everyone being up on the dot

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hold down on the LS when in the cut scene when you press A...it will put you in the conservative faceoff formation. You might be holding up, which puts you in the aggressive formation, hence everyone being up on the dot

If this is true, I will do both of praising you for this info and also cursing vehemently for many a lost game hahaha

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If this is true, I will do both of praising you for this info and also cursing vehemently for many a lost game hahaha

hahaha let me know how it works out for you

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Looks like they were just waiting for the Hawks to beat the Flyers to release that.

Also lol @ Chara breaking a stick.

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Not sure if you guys caught it in the video, but two of the "200 gameplay refinements" were "user celebrations," and "all-new disallowed goals." Sweet, I like where this is going. The new physics system looks pretty decent too, but I'm still not so keen on guys just going ragdoll limp whenever they get checked.

Another thing I noticed too was that when it shows Phaneuf checking Rivet into the boards, Rivet drops his stick, so it looks like guys can lose their sticks from hits now too. Atleast it looks like EA isn't taking Madden's approach and just giving us a roster update every year.

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Not sure if you guys caught it in the video, but two of the "200 gameplay refinements" were "user celebrations," and "all-new disallowed goals." Sweet, I like where this is going. The new physics system looks pretty decent too, but I'm still not so keen on guys just going ragdoll limp whenever they get checked.

Another thing I noticed too was that when it shows Phaneuf checking Rivet into the boards, Rivet drops his stick, so it looks like guys can lose their sticks from hits now too. Atleast it looks like EA isn't taking Madden's approach and just giving us a roster update every year.

there was one animation in the "old" nhl games that they dropped the sticks, was really annoying coz when they go pick up their sticks you can't do anything

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there was one animation in the "old" nhl games that they dropped the sticks, was really annoying coz when they go pick up their sticks you can't do anything

yeah it was either NHL 06 or 07 that had that, they were useless until they picked up the stick, but th stick was part of the controlled player so you didnt have to chase anything :P

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