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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL '12

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Loving the new game. Seems like some stuff will get old real fast though. But i love the addition of this year's draft picks and prospects. I can't seem to figure out some of the skill stick dekes the CPU is pulling on me though

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Whats up with games requiring the online unlock code to play online? I have UFC 11 that makes you put in the code on the PSN, and just read that NHL 11 will do it as well. Thus, if you buy the game used and the code was activated or it doesnt come with orignal box, you gotta pay 5 bucks or so to purchase online capability. I know the game developers don't get any $ off of resales I don't think, so is this all about a way for them to make some money off of resold games?

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Piracy is getting out of hand, its another way to try to fight it. Sadly it will have unintended consequences. For the better imo. Xbl sent require that crap though.

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On the one hand I understand that but on the other it kinda sucks. I buy alot of games off of ebay or do the trade in and buy type of things at the Gamestop and that I will have to fork over more money to play it online is kinda crappy.

At any rate how long will it take people to come up with a keygen type of thing like they have for all the super expensive computer programs and such. They'll figure out how to get around that soon enough I'd imagine.

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Piracy is the least of EA's worries with these online codes. FireonIce hit the nail on the head... it's for used games. Game Developers/Publishers/etc make $0 of used game sells... this insures that they will get something from most people that purchase used games.

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the lever of presision in the new game is unreal, for the first time in a hockey game, I feel you can aim, last year you cloud but at times it would not respond well...

also, the difference from one player to the next is real obvious, faster skaters really feel faster...

Also, computer ai is so superior then anything previous from EA, the goals the computer tries to pull off are entertaining...

my advice to anyone who plays online is you better practace defence and zone coverage or guys will run up the score on you bad...

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So far I haven’t encountered any NHL11 gitches, of course, it’s not like I’ve played online against terrible human beings with poor judgement who love to cheat cheat and then cheat some more (like in nhl 10 and 09).

I would love to get nhl11 if I could be certain that all the glitches were removed. I don’t understand how there can be people willing to exploit errors in game mechanics and not give me the decency of a fair clean realistic game.

it's really discouraged me from playing nhl 10. My friends and I are actually very good at nhl 10, but we don't glitch, cheat, exploit, or any of that bs. Every goal in a game is mostly different. It's very tiring and stressing to lose games by one goal or in OT where we never have a fair shot to prevent a glitch or even play a clean match because people who can't play well enough legitimately resort to cheating.

We tried going down in the EASHL to recreational just to see if there was going to be people who legit wanted to play for fun and maybe there would even be less glitchers. Not the case.

Just don't forget to file your complaints.

(Also, we play crazy hella-defense and have thwarted a lot of glitchers attempts. But there is always the odd pass back to the point where the computer decides to stay still and let the opponent get a clean 1-on-1 curve shot glitch or back wards skating cross crease).

I think I've all ready found one. Lefty coming down the left or righty coming down the right, inside the dots and a wrister short side has gone in like 10 out of 12 times, even with the lowliest of fourth liners.

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one problem with this game is flagrant... too easy to score, goalies where awsome last year but this year i think they did not work on that but the players have better control and are more acurate...

10-9 wont be abnormal this year, only guys that will enjoy online play will be the air tight defence guys...

Im in the top 1000 (well i was until the demo came out) i know ill be fine but some will use this game as a coster out of frustration

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one problem with this game is flagrant... too easy to score, goalies where awsome last year but this year i think they did not work on that but the players have better control and are more acurate...

10-9 wont be abnormal this year, only guys that will enjoy online play will be the air tight defence guys...

Im in the top 1000 (well i was until the demo came out) i know ill be fine but some will use this game as a coster out of frustration

Wow. I totally didn't get that impression. I manage to work my way into the slot a lot during games and take some wristers and nothing is going in. Ill get the odd cross-crease goal or a low, far-post slapper from the point but beyond that, nothing much is hitting the netting.

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Played a few games of the demo...

- New collisions, when you line them up right, are fantastic

- Defense seems much improved, unless it's just a higher difficulty setting...I could barely get in the slot

- Goalies seem a lot more realistic

- New faceoffs are nice, but I kept winning them using the same "jam down repeatedly" method

- Graphics are obviously unchanged

- I still don't like the hardcore passing mode

- Sticks are breaking CONSTANTLY and it's annoying

- Offense is WAY, WAY down...I took my second game to 5 minutes left in triple overtime, only scored three goals and had two scored against in many games

I'll probably buy it as it's the one game I buy every year, and if it sucks there's always Goozex.

For the used game online code, is it just for playing online or is it for rosters too? I never play online and wouldn't mind waiting a bit to get a big discount on a used game.

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Wow. I totally didn't get that impression. I manage to work my way into the slot a lot during games and take some wristers and nothing is going in. Ill get the odd cross-crease goal or a low, far-post slapper from the point but beyond that, nothing much is hitting the netting.

Like I said, im saying this as a user that played over 1000 vs games of nhl 10, not to brag but my skill stick skills are something impressive, i even impress myself at times...

tell you what, if you have 10 or wen 11 comes out, ill test my theory with you...

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stick handling is slow as shit in this game. It's especially noticeable in shootouts. I like the game, but this is definately my biggest gripe.

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stick handling is slow as shit in this game. It's especially noticeable in shootouts. I like the game, but this is definately my biggest gripe.

I honestly think they got it right this year, the puck feels heavy, to be fast you got to be nimble, you cant go all the way left to crossbody all the way right in half a second, nhlers cant do it, why should you?

movin to one side is the same speed, now if you bant to shake then bake, the shake got to be a half dose lol!

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As long as there is a frame rate between goalie desperation saves and player dangles.

It's not fun dealing with one image to the next when that could never occur in real life. I hope the players are more responsive in this game.

Some times it feels in NHl10, that when you get hit, but your not on the ground, your guy dies for a moment and is incapable of passing the puck up or continuing skating.

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I still don't like that defenseman can cut every forward off at the blue line. In real life if you over commit like that you get burned by some of the better skaters but even with Toews or Carter they cant get by. I like that the Defense is a LOT quicker to clog passing lanes with their stick it will make it more difficult to pass the puck. However I'm still having a problem where even though I clearly direct a pass to a wide open player it gets sent to a completely different player, who is usually in front of the net surrounded by three defenders.

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Im loving the new dekes now that i mastered them. toe drag is my fav. ( Lb and down on left stick and 1/2 circle)

Thank you, computer turned me inside out with that, been trying to figure out how to do it.

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Im loving the new dekes now that i mastered them. toe drag is my fav. ( Lb and down on left stick and 1/2 circle)

I'm really liking the deke off the skates. Every time I play against Chicago, Hossa does it and he's unstoppable with it.

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I'm really liking the deke off the skates. Every time I play against Chicago, Hossa does it and he's unstoppable with it.

man Kene went between the legs with it and almost scored after undressing my D-man, good thing my player pushed him...

The controls ans physics are crazy...

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have they fixed the issue with players clumping up? IE in NHL 10 if i'm a center skating the puck in sometimes the winger will be all up in my grill, especially when trying to cross the blue line. sooo annoying.

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have they fixed the issue with players clumping up? IE in NHL 10 if i'm a center skating the puck in sometimes the winger will be all up in my grill, especially when trying to cross the blue line. sooo annoying.

I hear ya, it happens way too often. Try a spin-o-rama it works most of the time

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Game comes out tomorrow. Who else is pumped? I'm planning on going to pick it up between classes tomorrow, which makes my afternoon classes questionable :laugh:

I have it fully paid off already and my last period of the day is a study hall so I'll probably get out early, walk to gamestop, pick it up and head home and play the night away. I'm awfully lucky that gamestop is a 1/2 mile walk and m house is a block from gamestop

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