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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MLB Pitchers

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I don't know if anyone knows the answer to this, but I can't help but notice that a lot, if not most pitchers in the Major Leagues wear this loose fitting kind of rope necklace. Does anyone know what it is or what it's for?

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It's a necklace with titanium threads woven in. Incredibly stupid quackery, but a lot of those guys are on a level close to goalies with superstitions. Pure marketing, There's really nothing special about titanium other then it's weight and price.

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  habookus said:
Does it actually work? If it did nothing at all, I wouldn't imagine so many pitchers would still be using them...
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No. It's a completely mental thing. And if the pitchers wearing them are doing well, they fall for the old correlation equals causation thing and think it must be the necklace. If they do badly, it's them, the necklace has nothing to do with it.

It's like rearranging a room for better chi with mirrors and stuff like that. It has no real effect, but people think it does, and their minds cause them to perceive an effect where there is none, or even create one. Think of the placebo effect, it's similar.

Honestly thought, these things are worse as quack science the the magnet bracelets that were all the rage a few years ago. At least those actually had an effect on the surrounding environment, even if it was a magnetic field that did nothing. These just have some metal that sits there. The best way to describe them is predatory marketing.

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ye i saw this commercial claiming that bracelet presses on those acupuncture points and helps you feel more balanced/healthy blah blah blah

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I have one , and mental or not i find it helps loosen my neck and shoulders. Also noticed they are starting to make an appearance in the nhl. I have seen Jeff Carter and Derek Roy wearing one, they are huge in baseball i would estimate half of the players in the league can be seen wearing one throughout the season

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  Master P said:
It's basically a superstition.
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It is completely a superstition.

  sickwilly said:
I had one of the Trion-Z bracelets. It did nothing for my back pain. However, it has kept the Boogeyman away.
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it also works as fine polar bear repellent, so long as you stay within the magnetic field of a urban area.

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yes it is just marketing but it's been very successful. you watch any mlb game and almost everyone is wearing at least one. i work at a baseball store and we were thinking about possibly getting them in, so we took the plunge and man do they ever sell. almost every kid 14-18 buys one. we've had teams from out of town come in where everyone buys one, and some guys buy two so they can twist them up like the major leaguers. and at $26 CAD a pop they're not cheap. $49 if you want ones with MLB team logos and colour (lots of ppl go for these). Insane.

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IIRC, Phiten reached some sort of deal with the MLB whereby they provide the necklaces to all players.

In any case, it's certainly not just the pitchers.

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  cptjeff said:
It's a necklace with titanium threads woven in. Incredibly stupid quackery, but a lot of those guys are on a level close to goalies with superstitions. Pure marketing, There's really nothing special about titanium other then it's weight and price.
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You should try it ut before you make an opinion on it, they are great and i find they work really good.

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  Dean_ said:
  cptjeff said:
It's a necklace with titanium threads woven in. Incredibly stupid quackery, but a lot of those guys are on a level close to goalies with superstitions. Pure marketing, There's really nothing special about titanium other then it's weight and price.
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You should try it ut before you make an opinion on it, they are great and i find they work really good.

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Or I can just know that there's nothing magical about titanium and the necklace just sits there and looks pretty, but thanks for playing, you win the gullible lemming award.

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About 3-4 years ago when they first started appearing in the majors, I did some research online to find out what they were. I ended up discovering Phiten and ordered a necklace on their website. All my friends made fun of me for it becuase I told them what it was supposed to do. I kept on wearing it anyway because I thought it looked cool, not because I believed that they worked. Now pretty much everyone of my friends has one, including the ones that laughed at them. It's funny how peoples minds change as a product becomes more popular.

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