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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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50 Movies in a Painting

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i don't know jack about movies especially the ones before like 2001...but i'm good at spotting the pictures hidden in a picture kinda thing...maybe i'll get my friend to come over and help me <_<

edit: i got 5 so far though :P

2nd edit: whats that set of phi looking numbers?

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35. Some of these are really tough.

Edit: 37

Edit: up to 42

Got all 50!!! If you need a hint on anything, send me a pm. I know having no life would become useful :)

Hardest part is finding some of them.


You did it! You even figured out the fiendish ....... clue! You may now recline on a bed of laurels for a rest, secure in the knowledge that you are one of the top film minds of this (or any) generation. Well done!

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Do they have an answer key?

I'm trying this on my 10" laptop and it's kinda hard, I'll wait until I get on my 24" I guess.

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I was more looking for a picture with the answers printed on it, I have no clue on a lot of them, and I'm sure there are some clues that are hidden from my eyes as well.

I'm sure you'll answer a question if I'm stumped, but doubt you'd post all 50.

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  Drewhunz said:
Only found 51.
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I finished without Dracula or the Train, so there must be 52. The Dragon's movie came out in 1973, so that's a bonus or something. I don't know about any other extras.

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