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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best of Henrik Zetterberg - Vol 2

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Hey everyone, I've been a frequent viewer of this site for while now and just thought you might be interested in checking out my second Zetterberg highlight video I made for youtube. My original video, "

" turned out pretty good (the biggest complaint was the music, sorry to those who disliked it), so for anyone who wants to check out the second one here's the link.

The second song is by a local artist from the Windor area, Richy Nix. The song from the video, In My Head, is played on the local station in Detroit, 89X. If you like the video or song, rate it and tell others to spread the word and help get this kid noticed, he's still unsigned.

If I posted this in the wrong forum or anything I apologize ahead of time, otherwise enjoy the video.

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Really nice video. What'd you use to make it, iMovie? We definitely need a thread for the folks on here who make videos to share them.

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Thanks for all the comments and views so far, keep watching and telling others.

To the person that asked, aside from the intro part, the entire movie was made using windows movie maker.

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Good video good song. That song kind of reminds me of Linkin Park. I wish I had talent to make a video or make music like that lol.

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Hey everyone, I've been a frequent viewer of this site for while now and just thought you might be interested in checking out my second Zetterberg highlight video I made for youtube. My original video, "
" turned out pretty good (the biggest complaint was the music, sorry to those who disliked it), so for anyone who wants to check out the second one here's the link.

The second song is by a local artist from the Windor area, Richy Nix. The song from the video, In My Head, is played on the local station in Detroit, 89X. If you like the video or song, rate it and tell others to spread the word and help get this kid noticed, he's still unsigned.

If I posted this in the wrong forum or anything I apologize ahead of time, otherwise enjoy the video.

Curious about the music also in the first one, not that it's a bad song just more of an odd choice.

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Curious about the music also in the first one, not that it's a bad song just more of an odd choice.

Well with the 1st video, I more or less had the video completed, then went through my music library and looked for a song with the right length, not much planning involved really.

So as far as the "meaning" of the song and what not, yeah it was an odd choice... but it was the pregame skate song during 06-07 season at the Joe so I chose to stick with it in the end.

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