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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009-2010 Gear Sightings

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Couple of things:

Kovy has a pair of XXXX's as opposed to his dressed up Nikes:

whats on his right ankle?

also, im guessing those skates are something (vapor 10s..) dressed up as 40s going off the graphics compared to the regular 40s graphics to the right.

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Couple of things:

Kovy has a pair of XXXX's as opposed to his dressed up Nikes:


are those old Nike gloves on the 1st guy on the left?


those look like the old lemieux gloves (nike quest?) but that's nothing compared to the guy behind kovalchuk - it looks like he is using some ancient easton gloves and an easton ultra lite shaft?

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Camhockey - the guy is wearing Eagles.

yeah it was a toss up between eagles and eastons - i guessed wrong - thats why i put the ? at the end cause i wasn't sure - im surprised he wasn't wearing a gretky jofa helmet as well..

did i get the other two right?

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Update, all CHL jersey's here;


not loving oshawa's one, montreal juniors and sault ste. marie's, kinda like the leafs jersey, just stick the logo on and we're good,

loving everetts, loving owen sounds too...flames should take the hint for next year lol the rest are pretty sweet too, good to look at but nothing that jumps out at me

Gatineau is the only one that looks terrible IMO. A couple other ones in the Q that don't tickle my fancy, but Gatineau is just ghastly.

really? love to pick up some those gloves imo

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man russians make it look good......... :D
Couple of things:

Kovy has a pair of XXXX's as opposed to his dressed up Nikes:


Also, here is a good shot of the new Dolomite graphics:


tell me about it.

dumb question of the day: what model warriors are those in the first pic? and also... why is he wearing a white helmet when everyone else is red?

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The gloves are franchises and the helmet has a thrashers logo on it, so presumably these guys are just showing up with whatever gear they had laying around.

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Yah, I think even at the Canada tryouts most guys just came in what gear they had; exceptions being Crosby and his one piece, the staals with their x60's and the couple guys with their s19's. A lot of guys still had one95's from their respective clubs or synergy SE's

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The gloves are franchises and the helmet has a thrashers logo on it, so presumably these guys are just showing up with whatever gear they had laying around.

i thought they were franchises, but what made me doubt that was that there's four stripes (white/blue/white/blue) instead of one inner and two outer. on the customizer, you only get the option of three stripes. i take it hooking up a custom replica of those would be impossible through the customizer?

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man russians make it look good......... :D
Couple of things:

Kovy has a pair of XXXX's as opposed to his dressed up Nikes:


Also, here is a good shot of the new Dolomite graphics:


tell me about it.

dumb question of the day: what model warriors are those in the first pic? and also... why is he wearing a white helmet when everyone else is red?

Is that radulov (green eagles) using a repainted z-bubble?

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