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Wear your Ear guards!

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Playing in the chowder cup got a shot to the head straight into my ear. Always thought it would never happen to me. Now I have a hole in the top of my ear, not a good time.

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moral of the story - the piece of protective equipment you take off, will cause pucks, sticks and ice to slam into the area it once occupied. Every time I take off my shoulder pads I end up taking a puck in the rib cage.

I desperately wish I could leave my ear guards off, helmets are worlds over more comfortable without them but yeah, I also like to hear and not have vertigo so they stay on :(

Glad you still have enough brains to post though, that kind of thing could have caused a lot more damage :(

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Provided your ear doesn't get an infection and/or fall off, it'll be a cooler story when you go "nah, I just iced it a little, no stitches"

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this same exact thing just happened to me tonight, doesnt feel too good. luckily it caught most of the helmet and only about 1/4 of my ear.

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Provided your ear doesn't get an infection and/or fall off, it'll be a cooler story when you go "nah, I just iced it a little, no stitches"

Last thing we need is a repeat of that thread

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Guys it's hockey... you'll get injuries regardless whether you wear pads or not... man up :)

but if he had his ear guards on the helmet most likely he wouldnt have got cut..glad to hear it wasnt more serious then it was and that you still have 2 ears <_<

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Guys it's hockey... you'll get injuries regardless whether you wear pads or not... man up :)

The OP has. a. hole. in. his. ear. Thats not supposed to happen.

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I get your point, who the hell wants to have you ear look like one of Mr. Spock's?

The reason I took mine off was because I could hear hardy at all with them on - players coming at me, my teammates, etc.

So I made to choice to opt for getting more sound info and hopefully that will keep other parts of me from getting hammered?

Who knows, now that I said this you know I'm going to get one of ears crushed in my next game.

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I get your point, who the hell wants to have you ear look like one of Mr. Spock's?

The reason I took mine off was because I could hear hardy at all with them on - players coming at me, my teammates, etc.

So I made to choice to opt for getting more sound info and hopefully that will keep other parts of me from getting hammered?

Who knows, now that I said this you know I'm going to get one of ears crushed in my next game.

There is an entire subset of society that would like to have a word with you...

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I get your point, who the hell wants to have you ear look like one of Mr. Spock's?


So I made to choice to opt for getting more sound info and hopefully that will keep other parts of me from getting hammered?

The unprotected ear is a fairly small target to hit, making any injury like this unlikely, but statistics, nor your rationalization, will help you when you get hammered in the ear with an errant puck. I get what you're saying, better hearing more situational awareness. I'm just not willing to take that risk for the chance at being deaf or dead from a puck coming at me the wrong way.

We all take our risks out there, some more than others. I just dont think the skull is an area to skimp on.

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I get your point, who the hell wants to have you ear look like one of Mr. Spock's?


So I made to choice to opt for getting more sound info and hopefully that will keep other parts of me from getting hammered?

The unprotected ear is a fairly small target to hit, making any injury like this unlikely, but statistics, nor your rationalization, will help you when you get hammered in the ear with an errant puck. I get what you're saying, better hearing more situational awareness. I'm just not willing to take that risk for the chance at being deaf or dead from a puck coming at me the wrong way.

We all take our risks out there, some more than others. I just dont think the skull is an area to skimp on.

I appreciate your point.

I've had 4 knee operations and so I want to get as much possible warning as possible.

I was watching the Canadians and Rangers in a cup finals game the other day, I can't remember the exact year. Anyhow - MOST of the players on the ice did not have a helmet.

The game is different today but no matter, we always are taking risks.

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Guys it's hockey... you'll get injuries regardless whether you wear pads or not... man up :)

Your right. Lets all throw out or cups boys, man up ya bunch of whimps!

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Don't complain about ear injuries I wrestle you wana see ear injuries stop by your local high school or university that has a team.

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Don't complain about ear injuries I wrestle you wana see ear injuries stop by your local high school or university that has a team.

I hear ya. Shot Judo for 16 years. Nice cauliflowers to be seen there. You could always spot the guy who just got hurt 'cause he was wearing one of those water polo bathing caps with the hard ear covers while sparring lol.

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Playing in the chowder cup got a shot to the head straight into my ear. Always thought it would never happen to me. Now I have a hole in the top of my ear, not a good time.

You're supposed to duck :)

Don't complain about ear injuries I wrestle you wana see ear injuries stop by your local high school or university that has a team.

I remember my first introduction to cauliflower ear as a kid, going to the U of Iowa wrestling camps. Guys like Barry Davis, Duane Goldman, Lou/Ed Banach, Randy Lewis, J. Robinson and Dan Gable all had nasty cases of cauliflower ear. I've yet to see top notch HS wrestlers or collegiate guys w/o any semblance of this affliction. A lot of off season, olympic freestyle and greco roman wrestling tourneys do not require headgear.

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I have a friend permanently deaf in his left ear from a puck. He had ear protectors.

If the shot is hard enough, protection or not damage can still occur. About all he didnt lose was blood.

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