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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy skates is now at 1800 faceoff

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preordering equipment is pointless, and I dare someone to drop 500us on a skate that they have no idea how its cut, and what size they need.

I'm sure they will be the best skates they've ever used, despite not being fit properly.

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When they market it as "The world's first ever 1-piece composite hockey skate" isn't that not true since the Kor skate is the same thing basically? I might be completely wrong, but from what I've seen from the Synergy skate and the Kor skate, they look similar.

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When they market it as "The world's first ever 1-piece composite hockey skate" isn't that not true since the Kor skate is the same thing basically? I might be completely wrong, but from what I've seen from the Synergy skate and the Kor skate, they look similar.

Yeah but I'm sure Easton will say they thought of it first. I had heard a rumor that Kor had a patent they wanted, not sure what happened there though.

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Not true. If a skate doesnt fit your foot well and it hurts your feet, it could take ALOT away from your performance. Skating and performance isnt all about the skates IMO. It always helps, but equipment doesnt make performance THAT much better IMO.

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Not true. If a skate doesnt fit your foot well and it hurts your feet, it could take ALOT away from your performance. Skating and performance isnt all about the skates IMO. It always helps, but equipment doesnt make performance THAT much better IMO.

I'd be willing to bet most of the kids who get the wrong size will never realize the skates are hurting their game. I couldn't tell you how many kids I've seen with Vapors that are constantly complaining about the fit but the skates still "make them play better". Or better yet, the kids who think they fit great yet are wearing the same as thier shoe size. Far too many customers are horribly uneducated as to the proper fit of a skate.

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Welcome to the beauty of sarcasm.

My buddy got XXs right when they came out. I told him "stick with Grafs, your foot is used to them, and they're a good, solid skate." Of course he defies me. So he told me the other day hes getting new skates. Not because he outgrew them, but because they broke down. I'm sorry, but for $400+, I'd expect skates to last more than one season. Maybe I'm just fortunate and have had great success with my Grafs lasting me 4-5 years. Still, a 6'2" 140 pound kid shouldn't break down a skate that expensive that quickly. Hell, he told me they still hurt his feet after a year, too. They were properly fitted, and everything. Hes just lucky he can afford to get the hottest skates each year.

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You can blame the parents who insist on buying their kid's skates two sizes up from what they should be wearing in order to get the most use out of them.

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You can blame the parents who insist on buying their kid's skates two sizes up from what they should be wearing in order to get the most use out of them.

That happens, but more often it's the salesman who says "how do they feel" instead of checking the fit themselves. Most kids have no idea what a properly fitted skate feels like. Many don't have th eguts to tell a parent that buying a mid-line skate that fits properly is a better investment. There's nothing wrong with leaving a half size for growth but 2 sizes will simply hinder the ability to skate.

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Most parents will begin listening to you when you mention that you'll need to have them sign something saying the product cannot be returned since they went so far against your judgement (warranty issues excluded)...man that stops problems fast..I've incorporated that any place I've worked...

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I'd be willing to bet most of the kids who get the wrong size will never realize the skates are hurting their game. I couldn't tell you how many kids I've seen with Vapors that are constantly complaining about the fit but the skates still "make them play better". Or better yet, the kids who think they fit great yet are wearing the same as their shoe size. Far too many customers are horribly uneducated as to the proper fit of a skate.

Actually I couldn't agree with you more Chadd. I am 14, and play with CCM Vector 6.0's, these are the reasons I don't buy the expensive skates:

1) wayyy to much money for me to handle

2) I'd love it if I got them and they didn't fit right so I would be screwed

3) I love my skates to death, no matter what kind they are, they could be 152's that work for me and I love them, I wouldn't spend 500 dollars for a pair of skates, mine were 189.95 and I couldn't be happier with them

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Most parents will begin listening to you when you mention that you'll need to have them sign something saying the product cannot be returned since they went so far against your judgement (warranty issues excluded)...man that stops problems fast..I've incorporated that any place I've worked...

Exactly. I have them sign the receipt now...

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