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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Birthday gift for a girl

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Its my good friend's birthday this weekend. So I want to get her something, but don't know what. Shes my best friend's on again/off again girlfriend, so I obviously don't want to outdo him. Any suggestions? She is turning 18, so maybe something that incorporates that. She isn't worth spending too much money on, considering she still has a boyfriend.

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oh god, i hate these things. i always just get their best friend to go to the mall with me n pick out whatever for her lol

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I was thinking of getting her a thong or something, a gift for the both of them, but theres this huge joke about me getting with her all the time that he might believe. I think that might escalate it.

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I'd go with the b/f to go shopping. I'd go DVD route or something you may be able to go in with him on. CD and some favourite candy's are always a nice idea as well.

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God, shopping for my own GF is hard...to hell with shopping for someone elses. Kosy...if there is rumour/joke of you two hooking up on the side, the dildo that Federov19 suggests might not be the best idea *L*.

A CD or DVD (not porn) might be wise...GC for clothes is never a bad idea...shows you were thinking about her, but she gets to pick...

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I am liking the idea of playing up the "other guy" angle. Easiest and best job in the world is being the other guy.

Heck I say get her whatever as long as you play up this ever perfect wild card.

... thats just me ... :D

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