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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Return of the Triangle

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I thought these had gone the way of the dino....


I never had the opportunity to try the original, but they appear to have resurrected the old triangle shaft in addition to their new trapezoidal shaft.

Wonder if anything will become of it this time?

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strange, sande's new website shows up the same day as trilage's....

B) :ph34r:

Yeah - I remember someone mentioning a relationship between them a while back - thats why I took a look...

Wonder of Sande will be marketing them?

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Vic Hockey is owned by the Forzani Group in Canada. Basically all of Vic's product from the '03 trade show for an '04 launch is now available at Forzani's stores...Sport Chek mostly....and only in Canada.

Forzani also had an interest in Hespeler a few years back...meaning ownership interest...

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Vic Hockey is owned by the Forzani Group in Canada. Basically all of Vic's product from the '03 trade show for an '04 launch is now available at Forzani's stores...Sport Chek mostly....and only in Canada.

Forzani also had an interest in Hespeler a few years back...meaning ownership interest...

They own Hespeler now as well.

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EDIT: Just got an email from trilage....here are the prices....

Senior TZ3 shaft = not yet available

Senior TZ4 one piece stick = $180.00 (FREE SHIPPING!)

Senior Velocity shaft = $79.00 plus shipping

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