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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Saw this on Dragon's Den - looks quite promising for developing core muscles, but is very costly. Thinking the same idea could be achieved through pvc pipes and water.

Has anyone used this or seen it before?

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Sure you could do it for $20 in parts from home depot, but then you wouldn't be able to see the pretty colored water through the PVC pipe.

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Sure you could. Buy clear piping. Seal one end. Fill the pipe a little over half way with water. Add some food colouring to it. Then top it up with cooking oil. Seal the open end and you've got your own wave in a tube.

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Haha I do workout like normal people, not looking for a gimmick. Was just curios to what people thought. The reality is this is a great way to workout your core, same as using a wobble board, just extremely overpriced imo

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Sure you could. Buy clear piping. Seal one end. Fill the pipe a little over half way with water. Add some food colouring to it. Then top it up with cooking oil. Seal the open end and you've got your own wave in a tube.

Why would you top it with cooking oil? Seems to me that the tubes are half full, and that's the idea behind it. You have to balance the moving water while still doing the exercises.

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good gimmick to get you to workout, but i think money would be better spent at home depot and having enough left over for a decent ops.

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It’s definitely not worth buying and probably not worth making. I have used similar tubes filled with sand—I don’t think the stimulus is that different to justify a trip to Home Depot. If you want to the make the bar really unstable, attach some kettlebells with bands.

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It’s definitely not worth buying and probably not worth making. I have used similar tubes filled with sand—I don’t think the stimulus is that different to justify a trip to Home Depot. If you want to the make the bar really unstable, attach some kettlebells with bands.

I'd say its worth making if you need the motivation to workout. I wouldn't expect a better workout because of this, i'd probably expect an inferior workout. But those who don't workout would benefit from working out even if it is with the "ATTITUBE"

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Sure you could. Buy clear piping. Seal one end. Fill the pipe a little over half way with water. Add some food colouring to it. Then top it up with cooking oil. Seal the open end and you've got your own wave in a tube.

Why would you top it with cooking oil? Seems to me that the tubes are half full, and that's the idea behind it. You have to balance the moving water while still doing the exercises.

My mistake. You are correct I just watched the dragon's den version of it on youtube.

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Still not sure I understand the cooking oil. Or Jim Treliving's idea of a squat.

He thought the tubes were full. And cooking oil would make them look like they were half full while actually being all the way full.

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Screw that.

I'm a lifter and could name about 30 better ways off the top of my head to effectively work your core muscles. Anything that involves your abdominals, obliques, gluteus max/medius, lower lats, hamstrings, hip flexors, rectus femoris, etc will all help you to strengthen overall core strength. Remember, your core is not just your abs. It encompasses the strength you can synergistically use from anywhere under your pecs to above your mid thighs.

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Screw that.

I'm a lifter and could name about 30 better ways off the top of my head to effectively work your core muscles.

Sure, but sometimes people need a gimmick to get them off their ass.

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