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Boondock Saints II All Saints Day Trailer

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Im excited for it too, but for some reason i think it might disappoint. atleast from some of the lines etc that i saw on the trailer. but i could be totally wrong and this could kick some total ass like the first one

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Uh oh...is that Rocco at 1:37-1:38? I can't imagine any attempt to bring him into this film (beyond flashbacks) would do anything but flop.

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Im excited for it too, but for some reason i think it might disappoint. atleast from some of the lines etc that i saw on the trailer. but i could be totally wrong and this could kick some total ass like the first one

I always worry about sequels, so here's hoping this one can pull it off...

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Wow, I almost remember when this movie was relevant. I can still enjoy a viewing of it but come on...10 years is 10 years.

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Uh oh...is that Rocco at 1:37-1:38? I can't imagine any attempt to bring him into this film (beyond flashbacks) would do anything but flop.

Yeup, that's him. I do believe that Duffy had said in one of his movie development diaries that he was there for flashbacks only.

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Wow, I almost remember when this movie was relevant. I can still enjoy a viewing of it but come on...10 years is 10 years.

You can definitely see that 10 years passed in Sean and Norman...they look a little rough. lol

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Excited to see the movie, but I also agree with Mack. They took way too long to make this movie. I hope they at least try to explain such a timespan in the storyline.

Godfather II was 16 years after Godfather I. Not that I'm comparing the two series, just saying it can be done.

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