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Bauer Kane Curve?

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I just saw on HockeyMonkey that they have new One95 OPS and Vapor 60 sticks with a Kane pattern. I can't find a picture of the pattern, though. Anyone know if it's a replacement of the Lindros curve (88 to 88)? I currently use the P92 Naslund, and I'm curious how the two would compare.

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Kane is the P88, P92 is gonna be Backstorm

Backstrom? And I don't think it would be, since Naslund is still in the league and Backstrom already has his own curve (P10).

Naslund retired bro, and JR already was the one who posted it.

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Kane is the P88, P92 is gonna be Backstorm

Backstrom? And I don't think it would be, since Naslund is still in the league and Backstrom already has his own curve (P10).

which is funny cause the p10 is the curve kane uses for realsies

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the kane pattern is replacing the lindros (p88) pattern and the naslund (p92) pattern is getting replaced by the backstrom pattern. i had to look into it too because i use the naslund pattern as well.

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The Kane stick is already in stores in the Chicago area and it does indeed have the name written like that.

they're not talking about the name, but of the nomenclature beneath it

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