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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone have thoughts pn Supreme 70 skate

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yeah i know they are not cool becasue they have been out for a while...sorry gear whors :)..anyhow. I have supreme golds, and they are looking well..used...so i see that hg has one70 for cheap..any thoughts??? these any good. How would they compare to the supreme gold? Are they suposed to be on the same "level" or were they intended as a step up/down. thanks for any info or thoughts.


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If memory serves me right the 70's were very close if not identical in fit to the 8090's. I'm not sure of the fit of the classic Gold skate vs the 70 though. They were one level beneath the 90's (top skate that model year).

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I've heard that Bauer used lexan for the holders which didn't hold up well. I own a pair of these and sure enough, my one of the holders is all cracked after 3-4 months. They are just collecting dust now.

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i had them for a while. The boot was great, for me the holder cracked where the toe of the runner meets it. Other than that i had no issues. But i have since moved on to some 9k's which are a bit wider that i really needed.

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air 90 -- 5000 -- 8090-- one70. they all used the same last.

5000 had a very different fit from the 8090.

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I realize the Supreme 70's are probably on clearance and are very reasonably priced, but you might try looking at the newer Supreme 75's ,which are roughly the same fit but much more affordable than the top of the line Supreme 95's. They have also improved the tendon guards and have put a decent holder on them now.

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air 90 -- 5000 -- 8090-- one70. they all used the same last.

Is this true? Air 90's were the only Bauer skate I've ever owned but were probably my favourite skates I ever owned...

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I realize the Supreme 70's are probably on clearance and are very reasonably priced, but you might try looking at the newer Supreme 75's ,which are roughly the same fit but much more affordable than the top of the line Supreme 95's. They have also improved the tendon guards and have put a decent holder on them now.

AFAIK the one75s are an updated version of the one90s which means they are a much different boot than the supreme 70s. Dont let yourself be fooled by the product numbers, the boots are not the same fit.

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