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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S19 Durability

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Alright so here's a technical overview of the S17 construction, which I assume is the same as the S19. The fuse point on the S17 is right on the little red or blue part of the stick, say 2/3 of the way down the stick starting from the top and looking down. If you run your finger on the shaft on that section you will feel the fuse point. Its just a little bump, and it feels like the fuse point on the bottom of the old Synergy's. Now for the rattling nose. The piece of epoxy or whatever it is, is stuck between that fuse point and the bottom half of the stick. If you turn the stick over once or twice, you will notice the piece in the bottom 1/2 of the stick, goes up to that fuse point then falls back down into the blade. I cut one of my broken S17 up last year to check out how the taper was made and discovered how it was fused. And well if the rattling is in your blade, the piece of whatever it is, may possibly be stuck in the blade's bladder mold, and one day it might just stop out of no where because it got stuck somewhere. Now this is just my low down on the situation, it may be out to left field on this one but i think I'm on the right track.

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In the short amount of time I've had my retail S19 I've beat the ever living crap out of it - and you wouldn't even notice. No rattling no chipping on the shaft. I'm beyond impressed.

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Strange, I've had a S19 for 4 months and have not had ANY problems with it at all. Matter of fact, the blade was much better than the S17 was. As far as the rattling...does it do it with the end plug out?

Yep, I took my end plug out, because thats what I thought I was at first or something was in the shaft. Oh well, Ive discovered that whatever it is hasnt hurt that stick yet so Ill deal with the rattling. All in all its a good stick minus this little annoying flaw.

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Somewhat off topic....is the flex on the S19 the same as the S17: ie) 100 flex S19 still feels like an 85?

That was supposedly fixed

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Hell, even $200 for a stick is pricey. I'll stick with my hundred dollar pro stocks :)

i dont think i have ever paid more than $80 taxes in (for my lovely blue easton ST...she forced me to do it)

by the way there was an easton s19 broken at the blade on ebay a while back. here is another one... pro stock broken s19

can it really take tapered blades and how much would you have to cut it? is it worth it?

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We got the s19 in yesterday, took it out last night and again today. Played about 2 hours with it, half was pick-up other half was messing around by myself.

Iginla 100 Flex....

Had gotten an s17 100 Flex and it was whippier after about 10 minutes. After taking 20 or so slappers and plenty (100 or so, probably) of wristers, this thing was still stiff.

Blade has great feel, and the velocity is still ridiculous a was the s17.

I had to put about a 2 inch plug in the top, i haven't had a rattling noise as a couple of you were talking about. and for durability, i know the only way i am going to break this thing is a freak accident or after about 6 months of play someone does something to it and then it will snap on me. Maybe after a year it might break due to natural use. I play 2-4 times a week so i get plenty of ice. Great stick, great feel, don't know why everyone is bitching about it. Flex is actually the flex, and its velocity and feel is incredible. I love this stick. Vast improvement over the s17, which was probably the best stick they have ever made. Go buy if you can afford the 240 price tag, although, you could probably talk your LHS down to 200 (if you buy something at the same time) or 220 or so.... Pretty steep price, but, AWESOME stick, already my all-time favorite, even over the vapor XXXs.

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can it really take tapered blades and how much would you have to cut it? is it worth it?

it can and its worth it. i've done it. i cut just at the end edge of the 9, and probably could have left a little more on. the ellipse isnt quite as aggressive on the inside. i wish i would have kept the blade to take a pic of what the inside looks like.

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