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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing Steel

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So the steel on my right Mission AGX skate broke right in the middle the other day. I'm looking to replace the steel (which I've never had to do so far) so my question is should I replace the steel on both skates or just the one that broke?

Thanks guys!

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Just change them both. You wouldn't want the blades to be uneven. If you change one you would have to have them grind the blade down to match the other, and even that probably wouldn't be perfect.

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Replace both and you will have an emergency spare.

That is exactly what I did. Now I have my spare steel, sharpened and ready to replace even in the middle of the game.

I definitely sleep better at night now.

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speaking of replacing steel... say the custom+ for example... how does one change the steel without taking the holder off? i know that some pro shops will drill holes in the sole to allow access, but what about the front bolt?

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speaking of replacing steel... say the custom+ for example... how does one change the steel without taking the holder off? i know that some pro shops will drill holes in the sole to allow access, but what about the front bolt?

They will drill a hole in the front as well.

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