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When will one95 sticks be discontinued?

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Curious if you knew when Bauer is coming out with one100 or Totalone OPS and shafts and when they are discontinuing the one95's.

I really like my one95's and not sure if i should stock up, and they have tapered shafts also so im not sure if they will continue that with the one100 or is it going to be strictly x60. And who knows how its replacement for the OPS would respond also.

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i highly doubt bauer would discontinue making 2 different lines of their products. and as for one95's being rare? i don't think you need to stock up. i mean you can still get one90's now at shops unless your using one of the I.D. curves or a not so common blade pattern. you should be golden.

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X:60 shafts are out already.

Yeah im just curious if they will come out with a one100 tapered shaft as a second option, there is only a few for the one95 at the moment or pro stock.

i highly doubt bauer would discontinue making 2 different lines of their products. and as for one95's being rare? i don't think you need to stock up. i mean you can still get one90's now at shops unless your using one of the I.D. curves or a not so common blade pattern. you should be golden.

Well im using a Samsonov Pro stock but i guess you are right because they still do have some one90 pro stocks out there aswell as in store.

Follow the pattern...every year one subline is changed...so October 2010 it will be Supreme's turn.

K thanks JR thats the answer i was looking for, wasn't sure when the end of the season was.

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Follow the pattern...every year one subline is changed...so October 2010 it will be Supreme's turn.

Thanks JR for the information on the new addition to the Supreme line up of sticks!

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X:60 shafts are out already.

That has no bearing on the Supreme line of shafts though

I'll probably grab another One95 shaft just in case, but hopefully Bauer sticks with something similar to the One95 blade..

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There are some stores in my area that sell the Bauer branded One95 sticks. They look like pro-stock sticks (team color stripes, silver/grey nameplate, names: Richards, Kane, Kesler) but are sold in lefts and rights.

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