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Bashing Brian Burke

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While I may not be the biggest fan of Burke's brash style and being very outspoken, I definitely don't see him as a bad GM. His style is just different from other guys, and in Toronto he is going to be under the most fire for what he does. Granted, going 0-5-1 is pretty god awful, I think anyone would be under fire for that.

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On a side note, puck you is not only a show of zero class but a show of zero intelligence and creativity. I could have thought of that at age 6, however i probably would have thought it was stupid back then too ..

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Burke has a vision on how a team should be built. He inherited a team which had very few of the pieces in place. In fact, the only players on the Leafs roster last year who I could see him pursuing if they weren't Leafs are Kaberle, Schenn, Van Ryn, Kulemin, and Mitchell. Its impossible to completely gut a roster in one off season. The thing I like about Burke is that its obvious he doesn't plan on attaining his ideal roster by losing. We all know the Leafs aren't contenders this year, but there is a chance to compete for a playoff spot. As a fan, this pleases me.

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If the Bruins wind up with a top 3 pick in the first round this year PLUS another 1st PLUS another second PLUS his low class ways back in Vancouver ... then Dr. Burke's place in hockey is well defined.

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at least hes not throwing no trade clauses in all his deals. i say hes better then jfj.

Between the Leafs and Nylander, I think the GMs have learned to avoid no movement clauses.

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Burke has a vision on how a team should be built. He inherited a team which had very few of the pieces in place. In fact, the only players on the Leafs roster last year who I could see him pursuing if they weren't Leafs are Kaberle, Schenn, Van Ryn, Kulemin, and Mitchell. Its impossible to completely gut a roster in one off season. The thing I like about Burke is that its obvious he doesn't plan on attaining his ideal roster by losing. We all know the Leafs aren't contenders this year, but there is a chance to compete for a playoff spot. As a fan, this pleases me.

Burke doesn't build great teams, he tinkers with very good teams like what he did in Anaheim. The Canucks were nothing special when he got there and were nothing special when he left.

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