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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 11K Skates

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I'm not that impressed. I doubt anything will ever persuade me to abandon my one95's. Now the important question- when does the 11k stick come out?

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Got a chance to try the 11k's on today. I have to say that I was pretty disappointed with the quality and support of this top end skate. the skate is really comfortable and seems to be as light as the other skates at this price point. I feel like if you blind folded any hockey player and had them try on the 11k's and then try on Bauer's top end skates and asked them to tell you which are $600 and which aren't the 11k's would be picked everytime as the not top end skate. The skate to me looks a little cheap and does not provide the kind of support that a top end skate should. This is coming from someone that was really looking forward to possibly buying the skate, but the retail versions that I tried on today just do not warrant the cost. My first reaction when I picked it up is that I picked up the mid level version and was shocked when I turned the skate to see the 11k on the side.

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I don't understand how a top end skate could be released without proper support. Is it straight up flimsy?! I have the old 8k's and the 9k's and they're fine. Is there really that big of a difference?

shocked... :blink:

On a side note, I bought the new 8k inline skates a month ago and the boot is very soft as well, however the price is less than half of the 11k so I wasn't totally surprised.

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I tried this skate on today, and thought it felt pretty similar to the 9k. That is not a knock of the skate, as I liked the 9k skate fit alot. I may be wrong, but it seemed like the skate was a little shorter than the 9k, where I wore the 9k in size 7.5, the 11k seemed more snug in the length. may have been the socks I was wearing, so not 100% on that, I'll be curious to see what others think. The skate overall was very nice, and seemed like Reebok addressed certain things about the 9k I didn't like. Better liner, stiffer outsole, better heel sizing etc. The skate did not seem lighter than the 9k's to me, but I didn't weigh them or anything. Personally I think it is a better looking skate than the 9k. I didn't feel that it was a flimsy skate at all. It is not the rock that the one95s are, but that doesn't qualify it as flimsy to me. I wonder if it stiffens up after heating? Didn't the U+ need to be heated before it got more solid? Just curious. Anyway it seemed like a good skate, nothing revolutionary, just the evolution of a very good skate(9k).

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