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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where are your toes in your skates ?

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Yeah so i was just wondering where do you like your toes ? Upright against the toe cap or a little bit further away. I like mine right up against the toe cap, I hate it when my toes can move around, also it almost feels like i have less control around the front of the blade when i have space between my toes and the toe cap. so where are your toes when you skate ?

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My big toes are at the toe cap, but my second toes is longer so it's a little bent. No worries though, it's been that way for as long as I remember skating.

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Big toe feathers the cap on left foot when standing, knees bent, cant feel cap, Cant feel the cap on my right at all.

Next size down in skates is too small. I wish they were avaliable in quarter sizes.

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Big toe feathers the cap on left foot when standing, knees bent, cant feel cap, Cant feel the cap on my right at all.

Next size down in skates is too small. I wish they were avaliable in quarter sizes.

Have them stretched. Could work wonders for you.

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Big toe feathers the cap on left foot when standing, knees bent, cant feel cap, Cant feel the cap on my right at all.

Next size down in skates is too small. I wish they were avaliable in quarter sizes.

If you were willing to spend the money, you could go custom with 1/4 sizing and also different sizes for each foot.

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A bit short of the toecap. Size down was too small, but in an ideal world I would be in an easton 6.75. I don't have the money to go custom though.

It doesn't really bother me though, the rest of the skate fits so well that I don't notice it.

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my toes are against the toe cap when my knees are bent once they are broken in. At first they are a little cramped, but knowing how they will break in I'm all for it. I wear a 5.5 the initial cramping is worth the $200-300 saved by not going to a Sr skate.

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Brushing when standing upright and not touching with my knees bent. Feels perfect.

Mine are the exact same way :D

Same here.

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in my old grafs i had to cut my toe nails...that is how tight they used to be and my toe would press rather than touch...with super thin socks on.

now i go for touch all the time. i need to feel the toe cap...feels more snug that way.

my 703's and my mission 120 xps literally fit like a sock. its beautiful :wub:

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The tips of my toes are a good 1/2", maybe more, from the very front of the toe cap of the skates I currently find the most comfortable in (CCM U+ 09 in size 6E). I've got wide fore-/mid- feet, pretty flat arches and pretty high instep.

I also have a pair of new-old-stock non-pump Reebok 8k in size 5.5E. My toes are pretty close on those, but they cause terrible pain in my mid-feet, to the point where I have to untighten the skates every 15-20 minutes.

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