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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Powertek Sticks

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I've heard of this brand before (Powertek). I heard of good reviews and bad reviews of all the kinds of gear Powertek makes. My hockey team is sponsored by Powertek and so we get some gear for cheap. I was looking to get the Sniper stick from Powertek as I heard it handled just as the Easton Stealth CNT. And I really loved the CNT and if the Powertek Sniper is almost close then that's good for me. If anybody has used any Powertek gear or mostly Powertek hockey sticks, can you chime in your opinions for me especially if it's a Powertek Sniper? Thank you all for reading.

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Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek Powertek.

:lol: With that said, I've never heard of them so I too will wait for some opinions.

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The low end sticks weren't bad for the price, especially the junior stuff. The blades on the seniors were too thin and would open up any time I touched the puck.

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There complete crap. I have a bit of a cnt fetish myself and i can tell you that a powertek could never compare. I used one once during a game (friends stick) because my main stick broke and my backup was cracked. The blade torqued like crazy, it was heavy and low end and they feel like crap. Honestly coudlnt say it was worth $50.

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It's an old thread, but in case anyone like myself decides to buy one...DON'T. I picked up a Powertek Q5 Endurance stick this week for $30. The damn thing busted during pre-game warm ups. I play 1-2 times a week and usually go a year or more on sticks before they go out on me. Complete garbage. I wish I read this before I bought it.

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