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Bauer Nausland/Backstrom Curve

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Hia Guys, so I'm just wondering about the pro's/con's for thoes who have used the curve.

So I'm currently using mid curve similar to something like the Kane(Im using a Euro Reebok/CCM curve 10, like the CCM Recchi but i used the Kane as a example) and im thinking of trying the Nausland/Backstrom curve. So the curve I am using atm is easy for backhand shots and forehand shots.. Basically all rounded curve, But how does the Nausland/Backstrom Compare with accuracy shooting and how easy are the backhands and how is the curve all round ?

Sorry if i annoyed anyone by this post, I know you get alot of these type questions.

Thanks Guys,

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Ive tried the Naslund curve on my One55. This is not the curve you would want if you prefer the Kane/Lindros P88. This curve is meant for shooters who like to shoot high and accurate, imo, backhands are hard to do on this curve.

Stickhandling/toedrags are good with the P92, dishing passes may be harder to do accurately as the curve is designed for shooters primarily.

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I almost exclusively use the P92 curve and really have no issues with passing either. AIREAYE is correct though, it is a shooter's pattern and that is what my game is all about. As for backhands, I've been able to do it on occasion, but it takes practice.

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is there any problems with the curve you use now? say can't get the puck high enough? or like can't stick handle with it? if you can be a bit more specific it would help us help you

on the other hand i find my backhands is the best with mid-toe curves, as that flat part of the blade before it curves really helps me for some reason

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Also I believe the Gagne P106 can be considered a sort of intermediate curve in between the P88 and the P92. I have the P106 on my X:40 and it feels much better than the P92. Why not have a look?

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The P106 supposedly is for people who like to incorporate a slapshot more often than a snapper or wrist shot.

I've been using the P92 since I discovered the One95 blade a couple years ago. This along with the P14 seems to get the most out of snap shots for me and I rarely have trouble shooting high or low. It really depends on where you want to put the puck I guess?

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Thanks For the speedy Replys guys,

Well with the curve I have now theres nothing wrong with it but its nothing special, so im just trying to see what other curves can do for me. I find I am leaning to more of a shooter so with the closed mid curves they're good but I want something where i dont have to try too hard to get it high.

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Thanks For the speedy Replys guys,

Well with the curve I have now theres nothing wrong with it but its nothing special, so im just trying to see what other curves can do for me. I find I am leaning to more of a shooter so with the closed mid curves they're good but I want something where i dont have to try too hard to get it high.

then the p92 will probably suit you, it'll change you shooting motion and such but you'll never know if you like it or not until you try :)

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Thanks For the speedy Replys guys,

Well with the curve I have now theres nothing wrong with it but its nothing special, so im just trying to see what other curves can do for me. I find I am leaning to more of a shooter so with the closed mid curves they're good but I want something where i dont have to try too hard to get it high.

then the p92 will probably suit you, it'll change you shooting motion and such but you'll never if you like it or not until you try :)


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I was a P88 guy forever and tried the P92. I loved it on my One90. I've never had a better snapper than I did with that. Passes were something to get used to, but stickhandling and backhands were no problem. Pure shooter's curve though!

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I like the p92 for backhands, too. I just try to fire them with a quick, compact motion so that the puck stays on the flatter part/heel.

When I come back to the p92 from curves that are less open, I find that I need to lower/shorten my follow-through. Still, I put a few pucks into the netting over the glass during the first few skates.

I agree with those who say it's a shooter's curve. It's great for in tight, wristers and snappers. For me, the puck tends to come up more than I want it to on slappers. I find that my passing is a little less accurate and that it's harder to keep saucer passes flat. It's nice for stickhandling. I'd love to have the same curve, but a little less openness.

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I have a p92 xxxx and I've had trouble giving flat saucer passes on the forehand. No problems on the backhand saucers, only forehand. Any advice? I love the curve otherwise, very good for shooting and stickhandling.

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I switched to P92 from P91a some times ago, and it's an awesome curve in my opinion!

backhand doesn't seem to present any problems.

stickhandling is much easier with a mid curve then it is with a heel curve.

shots tend to go way too high though unless I follow through carefully...

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I find the p92 great for saucer passes, though saucing is more technique than what kind of curve you're using.

Was just wondering, is the lie higher than other Naslund-like curves (Sakic, Draper, etc...)? I'm pretty sure it isn't a true 6 lie, but definately feels higher than a 5.5.

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My Easton SE Sakic and NB XXXX Naslund have the exact same lie when held next to each other. Easton lists it at 5.5 and NB had it at 6 lie, but the curve and lie is identical when compared side by side.

And my saucer technique is good with other curves and with the p92 I have no problem getting it up in the air, but on the forehand it often wobbles in the air and does not always land flat for the recipient.

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I've used the P92, Sakic or Draper blade pattern for the past couple years. I'm more of a pass off then drive the net for the rebound type of player and I can make any pass needed with the P92 pattern. IMHO the P92 is perfect for the "garbage goal" type of player since you can snap it up high with little effort.


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