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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Baby Think It Over

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100% correct. Babies only cry for a reason. They have yet to develop the cognitive ability to cry or act in a manipulative way...like my lovely 3 year old. <_<

Babies will cry for one of 4 reasons (some have 5):


Full Diaper.

In pain or discomfort.


Or needs contact/affection (ie- needs to be held for a while...kind of subjective, but some babies are very good self-soothers and need to be held.

agreed. and if you pay attention to the sound/type of cry, it's easy to tell what they want without the trial and error method.

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Anyone ever taken one of these deals for a school(home ec) Project? I have one now, and I just spent 1/2 hour away from the MSH community taking care of it. Should be quite the night.

LOL, I'm in child development and they are not allowed to do it anymore because some guys would get the baby high and destroy them and such.. So instead we are supposed to go around and as if we are pregnant. Luckily since Im a guy I got to be parterned with a girl so we walked around the school and told everyone I got her pregnant and stuff. It was hilarious

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hahaha. That's great. I got to sit up watching nhl network and feeding that baby at 2:10 am and 4:40 am. Wasn't the funnest thing i've ever done.

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hahaha. That's great. I got to sit up watching nhl network and feeding that baby at 2:10 am and 4:40 am. Wasn't the funnest thing i've ever done.

damn man I couldn't do it. I'd prolly just throw the baby out the window and take the zero

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You hear it get fussy, and you know it's coming. you hear the mechanics which set off the crying reflex. it stops and you think you are clear. WAAAAHHH! It starts screaming. You now have 2 minutes to tend to it. It wakes even the heaviest of sleepers(ie: me). My dad came into my room and sees me sitting on my bed trying to rub the bracelet over its abdomen to get it to recognize you're tending to it. The chime goes off and first you try the bottle. Turns out it was hungry. So you feed it, it starts cooing, and you think your work is done. WRONG. It's about 10 minutes after the initial cry and feeding, it starts crying again. Why? You have to burp the baby now. 10 minutes later it burps and you think you're done. Wrong again. The baby still needs changed. Round three of crying. it's about 1/2 an hour after you started, and you change the baby. It finally goes back to sleeping for another two hours and does it again. Let's just say that watching Top Ten Goals of the 1998/1999 season wasn't enjoyable. There was my entire night.

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At least you get to give it back.

I'll say the same thing to the younger guys on MSH as I did in the locker room a few weeks ago (open hockey with some younger guys) - WRAP IT UP!


Don't leave your entire future/18 years of child support to some girl's ability to remember to take a pill (happens all the time), realize what medicines negate the BC (there are MANY) or not try to 'lock you in' by getting pregnant (most frightening, but all too common). Young pregnancies happen ALL the time...

Now that I'm a little older (26) I realize the single smartest thing that I did from ages 16-25 was ensure I was not a father. The options/abilities/lifestyle I have now (and enjoy) would just not have been possible.

So before you b*tch about it being 2% less pleasurable... think about how much less pleasurable waking up at 3am is vs continuing to sleep. My guess is 500%.

And thats not even the whole STD thing...

***there are many wonderful things about having kids. I'm not anti-kid, just make sure its on your terms!***

That's good advice. I'd also throw in there some of the best advice my dad ever gave me: if you're having relationship trouble, or want out of it, stop having sex right away. The baby trap is alive and a solution for way too many women. That National Scruples and Lies Survey they conducted in the UK in 2004 showed that 42% of women would sabotage birth control if they wanted to have a child and their partner did not.

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At least you get to give it back.

I'll say the same thing to the younger guys on MSH as I did in the locker room a few weeks ago (open hockey with some younger guys) - WRAP IT UP!


Don't leave your entire future/18 years of child support to some girl's ability to remember to take a pill (happens all the time), realize what medicines negate the BC (there are MANY) or not try to 'lock you in' by getting pregnant (most frightening, but all too common). Young pregnancies happen ALL the time...

Now that I'm a little older (26) I realize the single smartest thing that I did from ages 16-25 was ensure I was not a father. The options/abilities/lifestyle I have now (and enjoy) would just not have been possible.

So before you b*tch about it being 2% less pleasurable... think about how much less pleasurable waking up at 3am is vs continuing to sleep. My guess is 500%.

And thats not even the whole STD thing...

***there are many wonderful things about having kids. I'm not anti-kid, just make sure its on your terms!***

+1, and avoid the ones out of the college vending machines... yikes!

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for that matter;

1) always supply your own.

2) Make sure it is not old.

3) DO NOT keep it in your wallet, buy a hard holder for it.

4) DO NOT leave the used one lying around, not even in the garbage

Our son is almost 16. Both my wife and I try to drill this into his head. We all know the best protection is abstenance, but we also know what happens when the little head does the thinking.

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And I have heard that the "lung excercise" reason has been largely dismissed as being without merit. It was widely accepted decades ago that you should let your baby cry to develop its lungs, but studies have shown it has no real effect as compared to babies that dont cry a lot.

It absolutely has been proven - I was being ironic. My jest fell flat. The seeming caprice of a crying baby, etc.

I would suspect that a great deal of your wife's success has been an unusually strong combination of motherly intuition and coherent response; they're each learning both sides of the communication process. Would that all mothers were so.

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for that matter;

1) always supply your own.

2) Make sure it is not old.

3) DO NOT keep it in your wallet, buy a hard holder for it.

4) DO NOT leave the used one lying around, not even in the garbage

Our son is almost 16. Both my wife and I try to drill this into his head. We all know the best protection is abstenance, but we also know what happens when the little head does the thinking.

curious about this, can you elaborate? I've never heard of that.

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Girls want to think theyre special...seeing used rubbers (when they have not put out yet) pretty much voids that, and they tend to bail after that.


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^ Yep, winner.

I haven't heard of this successfully resulting in a pregnancy, but its at least *possible* if done quickly enough.

There was a SoCal (and sometimes national) radio jockey Tom Lykis who recommended putting Tabasco sauce in them before discarding... If nothing else you'd get an audible (very...) indication of what the girl's doing behind closed doors.

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Or psycho bitch can attempt to utilize the contents within. Pointless, but them bitches is crazy.

Bingo! And it can be successful

You don't use a condom supplied by her because of pin pricks and you don't keep it in your wallet because it ruins them

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^ Yep, winner.

I haven't heard of this successfully resulting in a pregnancy, but its at least *possible* if done quickly enough.

There was a SoCal (and sometimes national) radio jockey Tom Lykis who recommended putting Tabasco sauce in them before discarding... If nothing else you'd get an audible (very...) indication of what the girl's doing behind closed doors.

Buffalo used to run Lykis. I miss some of his rants.

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