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Thoughts on Peranis in Livonia, MI

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Looking to make a trip somewhere to possibly grab a few things. Recently moved to MI (East Lansing, to be exact) and heard of the peranis in Livonia and didn't know if the had a big selection. Anyone ever been there and can attest to their selection? Mostly looking for helmets and gloves, and would love a selection of pro stock but don't know how feasible that is. Thanks

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IT is really hit or miss.

It is an absolute massive store, but there are days that they won't have anything except older stuff.

My ex-co-worker (who quit days before I did) ran that store, and was still running it when I left. OTher than him, good luck getting service in there.

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I agree 100% with JR.

Not recently, but a few years back there used to be a ton of pro stock sticks both LH and RH. There were some pro stock gloves and pants too, but it seems like there is always less and less everytime I go back. In fact the last time I was there they didnt have ANY RH pro stock sticks.

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I was considering a trip this weekend but plans have changed and I'll be going to canada to catch up with friends - so I'll be looking for shops in the Toronto area. I may still take a trip to Perani's in Livonia after the MSH skate because it will be easy to get to as it's about 25 mins away. Thanks for the feedback.

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i was in there last week. pretty good selections of everything except gloves. in fact, if you are looking for any bauer gloves, avoid perani's altogether. i heard a sales associate there telling another that they had decided not to order any bauer gloves his year. something to do with wholesale costs, i believe. the above poster was right on about the left-handed pro stocks. lots to pick from.

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was just up there last week as well. they are a pretty big store and like the others have said selection is hit or miss depending on when you go. so is the service. what i did notice is they are a little higher on somethings than the ann arbor or taylor store.

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I was just in there the other day as I'm in town to visit my family. Yes, the place is massive, but the outside is poorly lit and I drove by it once before finding the lot. Once inside, the staff were helpful and answered all the questions that I had, especially the guy that I asked about different sticks. Only downside is that they seemed poorly stocked; they didn't have a pair of the skates I wanted in my size...and I was interested in three different models. That and they didn't have all the brands in certain items that I was also interested in as well I should chalk it up as a product of the holiday shopping rush, but a place of that size should be well-stocked in my eyes. Still, I wouldn't discourage anyone who is interested from popping in from doing so...the people know their stuff, and what they do have is top-notch.

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i bought some farrell hockey gloves from there online. turns out they only had 2 left handed gloves that they shipped me by mistake. needless to say i was quite upset but they immediately refunded my money. then a week later they found a single right handed glove and shipped it to me no charge!!

awesome customer service would def recommend them!

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Never been to the ones in MI, but the one in Euless Texas has the same issue where if you don't get lucky and go when they get new stuff all that is ever there is left overs. Gloves are hard to come by.

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seconded, it was depressing how far downhill that place has gone over the course of about five years.

Hell, the play it again down the street had a better selection of gear.

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seconded, it was depressing how far downhill that place has gone over the course of about five years.

Hell, the play it again down the street had a better selection of gear.

If you're willing to go down the street to Play it again, go to the ACE on middlebelt just into westland, seems to be a better run store than Peranis most of the time.

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Didn't evvn get to go after the MSH skate because of my busted window en route to the game. Power window motor blew our after I had the window down. Drove half way to the sKate plus the whole ride home to EL with the window open- awesome.

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Moose, I'm a little late looking at this post, but if you're in EL have you stopped at the Perani's in Suburban Ice? Or if you're willing to drive across town I manage the Perani's inside of The Summit ice rink. Between the two stores we have a pretty good selection. At the very least if you know what you're looking for we can do the searching for you from one of our other stores.

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D&B Bicycles and Hockey

I was just there the other day, it's pretty nice...small but a pretty good selection of sticks and skates. their inventory cant be huge though.

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Moose, I'm a little late looking at this post, but if you're in EL have you stopped at the Perani's in Suburban Ice? Or if you're willing to drive across town I manage the Perani's inside of The Summit ice rink. Between the two stores we have a pretty good selection. At the very least if you know what you're looking for we can do the searching for you from one of our other stores.

I think I bought some items from your place....pretty good selection in a small space

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