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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best stick for a defensemen?

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Actually, aluminum isn't COMPLETELY dead. A few pros still refuse to change over to one pieces or composite shafts, most notably Brendan Shanahan and Ryan Smyth, both of whom still use aluminum shafts.

I heard that Easton had once tried to get them to switch so that they could stop manufacturing Alumi shafts, but they refused!

Smyth doesn't use aluminum.

Shanny was given the last several thousand shafts when they finally stopped production. Tom Poti is the only other aluminum user I can think of.

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Of course it does, but it will also warp that way as well. They just use them because they're used to the feel and didn't want to switch over.

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... the thing i hate about them is the slashes dent the shaft than eventually the shaft like buckles in the area of the dent

as opposed to OPS/composite shafts that blow apart right on the spot? Which is better or worse?

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In my experiences UL's are tanks so is the TPS Genesis (Im using that right now)

wood blades are the way to go IMO because their is more feel for the puck(I'm a Defence man have been for 9 years) thats my 2 cents worth


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In my experiences UL's are tanks so is the TPS Genesis (Im using that right now)

wood blades are the way to go IMO because their is more feel for the puck(I'm a Defence man have been for 9 years) thats my 2 cents worth


I ended up buying an M2... almost two months ago when I made the thread ;).

Thanks though.

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In my experiences UL's are tanks so is the TPS Genesis (Im using that right now)

wood blades are the way to go IMO because their is more feel for the puck(I'm a Defence man have been for 9 years) thats my 2 cents worth


Why do you keep bringing up all these old topics?

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In my experiences UL's are tanks so is the TPS Genesis (Im using that right now)

wood blades are the way to go IMO because their is more feel for the puck(I'm a Defence man have been for 9 years) thats my 2 cents worth


I ended up buying an M2... almost two months ago when I made the thread ;).

Thanks though.

how is that stick working for you

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